What do you think of Meridian?

We have two girls, [name]Elise[/name] & [name]Juliet[/name], and are expecting our third girl in a couple months. What do you think of Meridian as a name for our new baby girl?

Are there other names you can suggest that have a similar feel to Meridian that will be more familiar to people?


I like Meridian, but I think [name]Meredith[/name] would fit SO much better with big sisters [name]Elise[/name] and [name]Juliet[/name]. Also, [name]Sheridan[/name].

If I saw Meridian with sisters [name]Elsa[/name] and [name]Juliet[/name], I might think Meridian was a boy. [name]Elsa[/name] and [name]Juliet[/name] are both clearly feminine whereas Meridian is rather ambiguous. It’d work as a middle name though. For a similar alternative, how about [name]Marina[/name]?

Meridian is super cool. I really really like the sound of it. I would do a double take if her sisters were [name]Elise[/name] and [name]Juliet[/name], but it’s not a big deal. I like it so much, lol.

NMS, personally. I don’t think it really fits with your current girls’ names. However, I really like Meridon, which is unique but not completely out there, and it fits very well the names you already have.

Thanks for the feedback so far. Any other suggestions for an alternative name that is similar sounding/feeling?

I think Meridian is beautiful. I think it would go nice with [name]Elise[/name] & [name]Juliet[/name]. I completely disagree that [name]Meredith[/name] would go better. [name]Meredith[/name] is hissy and harsh. You might like the more feminine Meridiana.

Maybe [name]Maribel[/name]? [name]Marianne[/name]? [name]Marielle[/name]? These don’t really have the same feeling as Meridian, but they are similar sounding and I think would go well with [name]Elise[/name] and [name]Juliet[/name] (great choices, btw).

[name]Marina[/name] is probably the one we like best so far, if we can just get over the boat thing…

Hmm, how about [name]Maris[/name]? It has a similar sound to Meridian (and [name]Marina[/name]), and I think it goes better with [name]Elise[/name] and [name]Juliet[/name]. Also, [name]Lydia[/name] has the middle “idi” sound of Meridian.

I don’t love Meridian has a name, btu I do think that it has a pretty sound and I sort of get its appeal. I think it seems really, really out of place next to [name]Elise[/name] and [name]Juliet[/name], though.


[name]India[/name] / [name]Indiana[/name]
Lydian ([name]Ralph[/name] [name]Waldo[/name] [name]Emerson[/name]'s wife [name]Lydia[/name] changed her name to this after marrying him and taking his surname, because she preferred the sound of Lydian [name]Emerson[/name] to [name]Lydia[/name] [name]Emerson[/name].)
[name]Gwendolen[/name] / [name]Gwendolyn[/name]
Merit / [name]Merritt[/name]

[name]Just[/name] be aware that Pixar is releasing a film called Brave soon and the main female character is [name]Merida[/name].

[name]Elise[/name], [name]Juliet[/name] and [name]Miriam[/name]
[name]Elise[/name], [name]Juliet[/name] and Mairin
[name]Elise[/name], [name]Juliet[/name] and [name]Malena[/name]
[name]Elise[/name], [name]Juliet[/name] and [name]Mariana[/name]
[name]Elise[/name], [name]Juliet[/name] and [name]Maya[/name]
[name]Elise[/name], [name]Juliet[/name] and [name]Melody[/name]
[name]Elise[/name], [name]Juliet[/name] and [name]Miranda[/name]

I love it.

In my opinion, a meridian is a line of longitude, not a name, although I tend not to like word-names. [name]Marin[/name]/[name]Maren[/name], [name]Marion[/name]/[name]Marian[/name], [name]Maris[/name], and [name]Meredith[/name] are all similar sounding.

I second the opinions that meridian is a line of longitude (not a name) and that it would evoke a sense of boyness next to your other girls. I do like word names too! I know a girl named [name]Merrigan[/name] and I just love it. That name is what popped into my head when I saw your post. Also, Meridian is also the name of an unofficial LDS magazine, so if you live in an area with lots of Mormons, you might be seen as a bit controversial :slight_smile: [name]Veridian[/name] also has the same sound and is a word/color name, but to me feels even more masculine than Meridian.

I guess I’ll stick with my vote for [name]Merrigan[/name] :slight_smile:

Meridian is quite cool! I like it for either a boy or a girl - maybe somewhat mroe masculine. I would assume it is a boy with the other two traditionally named sisters though.

My suggestion: [name]Minerva[/name] - similar sound and appeal in my opinion. Cool meaning/history as well:

[name]Minerva[/name] (Etruscan: Menrva) was the [name]Roman[/name] goddess whom Romans from the 2nd century BC onwards equated with the Greek goddess [name]Athena[/name]. She was the virgin goddess of poetry, medicine, wisdom, commerce, weaving, crafts, magic.[1] She is often depicted with her sacred creature, an owl usually named as the “owl of [name]Minerva[/name]”,[2] which symbolizes her ties to wisdom.

Maybe it’s because [name]Elise[/name] and [name]Juliet[/name] are so obviously feminine, but I would assume that Meridian (while it has a nice ring to it) was a boy. And, Meridian doesn’t really fit the feel of the other two, so it feels very abrupt. If you love the sound of the name, I would suggest looking at [name]Marin[/name]/[name]Maren[/name].

Ooo, I like the idea of [name]Merida[/name]. You might also like [name]Meadow[/name], but she is a bit different in style of [name]Elise[/name] & [name]Juliet[/name].

Thanks again. I’ve heard similar feedback when I’ve mentioned it in real life… So maybe Meridian as a middle name? [name]Merida[/name] is nice, but I don’t want to use it and then have a kids movie come out with the same name, so thank you for that info!

Other ‘M’ names on our list now:
[name]Marina[/name] (but hard to get over the boat thing)

Other possibilities:

I wish [name]Mia[/name] wasn’t so popular or that would be a real consideration as well. [name]Lydia[/name] as well, especially in our area.

We definitely want something that is feminine and familiar but not popular. Thanks for all the help!

Meridian sounds like a hotel to me. Maybe you would like