What do you think of my girls names?

  1. [name]Natalie[/name]
  2. [name]Sydney[/name]
  3. [name]Arden[/name]
  4. [name]Olivia[/name]
  5. [name]Emmaline[/name]
  6. [name]Kennedy[/name]

I like [name]Olivia[/name] and [name]Natalie[/name] best. [name]Olivia[/name] is quite common though these days, perhaps better suited to a mn?

1 [name]Emmaline[/name] - love [name]Emmaline[/name]!
2 [name]Natalie[/name] - another great one
3 [name]Olivia[/name] - not really my style, but it’s okay. Extremely popular, though.
4 [name]Arden[/name] - I like it, but it’s not quite feminine or spunky enough for me
5 [name]Sydney[/name] and [name]Kennedy[/name] are my least favorites - too masculine and trendy in my opinion. Sorry!

I like [name]Emmaline[/name] the best!

I like [name]Olivia[/name] a lot, not too fond of any of the others.

I love [name]Arden[/name]! The rest are not quite my style.

My vote goes to [name]Sydney[/name] - cute, spunky and not over-done.

[name]Natalie[/name] is a classic, beautiful name that is not popular enough to make you regret it. I think that is your best choice and one you wouldn’t regret! I really like [name]Emmaline[/name] a lot too. Although lovely, [name]Olivia[/name] is way too trendy nowadays and I would stay away. [name]Sydney[/name] and [name]Kennedy[/name] are cute, but not as lovely as [name]Natalie[/name] so it still gets trumped. I don’t like [name]Arden[/name]. Its spelling is way too close for me to ardent, which while that is not a bad thing, I don’t think the term ardent is always used in a positive tone and reminds me of someone being overzealous about something. Sorry if I am thinking way too deeply into that one but that is just what comes to mind so I thought I would let you know.

[name]Natalie[/name] - sweet. It’s my sister’s name, so I like it for that reason, but otherwise, I doubt it would have even been a blip on my radar. It’s a nice name, I just can’t imagine using it except for honoring.
[name]Sydney[/name] - meh. I liked it after I got all the way through Alias, but it’s too unisex/trendy/masculine for me on a girl these days. I still sort of like it as a MN, though (for quite some time I loved the combo [name]Mia[/name] [name]Sydney[/name]).
[name]Arden[/name] - a nice name, but I like it more on a boy these days.
[name]Olivia[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name]. [name]Olivia[/name]‘s on my top 3. I love the allusions to [name]Shakespeare[/name] and peace, and I lovelovelove the nns [name]Olive[/name] and [name]Liv/name.
[name]Emmaline[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name] it. I vastly prefer the [name]Emmeline[/name] spelling, but still, love. It was once my favorite girls’ name and I still really like it.
[name]Kennedy[/name] - far too masculine for me. And still so tied to the president and his family. I do like it for a boy, but not really for a girl. :frowning:

Good luck!