What do you think of Tatum/Afton?

What do you think of [name]Tatum[/name] or [name]Afton[/name]?

Or any of those other less-frilly sounding, preppier sounding girls names, such as [name]Aspen[/name], etc.?

I really love the IDEA of these names but I’m not sure I’d have the guts to use them for my daughter. I can see a little private school girl named [name]Afton[/name] or [name]Tatum[/name] walking around though. Maybe a more girly middle name?

[name]Tatum[/name] [name]Alexandra[/name], etc?

I happen to adore [name]Afton[/name]. It’s soft and unexpected.

[name]Tatum[/name] has appeal - but it’s too close to ate 'em and tater for me.

[name]Aspen[/name] I can’t deal with because of that first syllable.

I do think for any of these a soft middle is probably nice.

This is not my style at all, but I do really like a few - [name]Afton[/name] is a favorite, I also really have soft spots for [name]Aubrey[/name], [name]Delaney[/name], and [name]Ellery[/name], and maybe a few others I’m not thinking of right now. And most of them I don’t mind at all, just wouldn’t use myself. Some of the ones that are more tied to celebrities ([name]Anniston[/name], [name]Harlow[/name]) do mildy irritate me, although even then I can usually like the sound enough.

[name]Sloane[/name] I don’t love - too much “slow”.

[name]Greer[/name] I go back and forth on - it’s kind of intriguing, but also kind of merging “grey” and “dreary”.

None of those reasonings are reasons for people not to use them if they love them enough though, they’re all doable.

I don’t get too worked up on girls’ names ending in -son or starting in Mc, although I know plenty do. I suppose the Mc names are mildly annoying to me but I deal.

[name]Love[/name] [name]Tatum[/name] for the [name]Art[/name] [name]Tatum[/name] connection. Snappy and adorable. [name]Tatum[/name] [name]Alexandra[/name] feels incongruous to me. I might do [name]Tatum[/name] [name]Ali[/name], or some other, simpler [name]Alexandra[/name] variation… [name]Tatum[/name] [name]Alexia[/name]
[name]Afton[/name] is too lisp-y sounding for me. I think “fore and aft” (aft referring to the stern of a ship) so it feels sort of …non-heroic… like calling your kid Caboose, or After. Probably just my weird association.
[name]Aspen[/name] makes me think of super affluent CO city, rather than the beautiful slender poplar trees… I prefer [name]Linden[/name].

I really like both names, especially [name]Tatum[/name].

[name]Afton[/name] has grown on me a lot lately, not sure where I even heard it. I’ve also started to like [name]Rooney[/name] & Kenniston which fits in that category.

I dislike [name]Tatum[/name]. It’s that -tum ending, it really falls flat for me.

[name]Afton[/name] I love-- I think of the [name]River[/name] [name]Afton[/name], and the folk song (‘flow gently, sweet [name]Afton[/name]’). In theory I would like [name]Avon[/name], save for the cosmetics chain; [name]Aspen[/name] and [name]Aster[/name] save for the ass- bit; [name]Aeron[/name], save for the chair.

So funny… my husband also dislikes [name]Tatum[/name] because he says it reminds him of tater tots. But I don’t think that when I hear the name.

I also don’t know what it is but [name]Afton[/name] has been really growing on me lately. However, my daughters names are a little more of the feminine side I think–[name]Valerie[/name] and Anevay–and I don’t know if [name]Tatum[/name] or [name]Afton[/name] could fit in there. I also really like [name]Miriam[/name] but that is on a whole other wavelength.

I sort of like [name]Tatum[/name] and some of these other prep school type names but [name]Afton[/name] sounds a bit like a sneeze to me.

I live in [name]Colorado[/name] and love our [name]Aspen[/name] trees…I also spend lots of time in [name]Aspen[/name], CO so I happen to love the name [name]Aspen[/name]! [name]Tatum[/name] is great too, and both were on our list when I was pg with my daughter 5 years ago. I’ve not heard of [name]Afton[/name], but I think I like it as well! Of the 3, my favorite is [name]Aspen[/name] and you could use nn [name]Penny[/name] if you are into nicknames.

If I had to choose between [name]Afton[/name] and [name]Tatum[/name] it would be [name]Tatum[/name] but I prefer [name]Tamar[/name].

I have never heard of [name]Tamar[/name].

[name]Tamar[/name] is the Biblical name usually adapted into English (and other languages) as [name]Tamara[/name].

I think I know what you are going for, but if you want perfect honesty, [name]Tatum[/name] and [name]Afton[/name] in particular are one’s that I just do not like - [name]Tatum[/name] sounds like a brand of tater tots and [name]Afton[/name] reminds me of feminine products or a brand of facial tissues.

I think these may run along the same vein as your going for:


I dislike the name [name]Afton[/name]. I used to work at a nursing homh eand the name only makes me think of women in their 90s. Although the name itself is fine and if I met a little girl named [name]Afton[/name] I’m sure I could get used to it and porbably like it a lot :slight_smile:
I like the name [name]Tatum[/name] but no the connection with [name]Tatum[/name] O’[name]Neil[/name] (the actress) because it reminds me of the difficult life she’s had with family problems and drugs. [name]Both[/name] names also seem a bit pretentious to me too.