What do you think of the name Bodhen?

What do you think of the name Bodhin or Bodhen? We want use [name]John[/name] in naming our second son, and are having trouble choosing a name that is slightly different. What do you think about [name]John[/name] Bodhin [name]Miller[/name]? or Bodhin [name]John[/name] [name]Miller[/name]? We like the different spelling of Bodhin because we like the bodhi tree. Is it too wierd?

Why not just use [name]John[/name] [name]Bodhi[/name] [name]Miller[/name]?

I don’t care for Bodhen but I do like [name]Bodhi[/name].

[name]Love[/name] love [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Bodhi[/name], but Bodhin/en looks like the tryndee made up version to me. Sorry!

[name]Just[/name] use Bohdi.

Bodhen does indeed look made up. It also looks like it could be pronounced “Bawd-[name]Hen[/name]” (as in “nice bod, dude!” and “do you own a hen?” :slight_smile: