What do you think of the new Top Baby Names 2021 list?

I hope someone will analyse and share the fastest rising names outside of the top 100… that’s always the most interesting data to me!

a bit dismayed that the top ten names haven’t really changed! also disappointed that names such as kyleigh, emberlynn, brynleigh and paisleigh are in the top 1000.

however, i’m excited that guinevere made the top 1000! i am so glad she’s getting more love :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

other notes:

  • surprised to see brittany, pearl and emmeline so low!
  • also surprised by whitley and austyn, considering whitney and austen aren’t in the top 1000.
  • i can’t believe galilea’s inside the top 1000- it’s a really interesting one.
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It’s especially interesting to me that [name_m]Evander[/name_m] is now in the top 1000. Ten years ago I was expecting my first child, and I declared that his name would be outside the top 1000. DH and I decided on [name_m]Evander[/name_m]. Back then the official stance on that name from [name_f]Linda[/name_f] and [name_f]Pam[/name_f] was “stop at Evan.” But I have it highlighted and “hearted” in my [name_u]Baby[/name_u] Name Bible regardless.

I thought I had a really unique name until I was making him a doctor’s appointment when he was a newborn and the receptionist had to double check his name because she had an [name_m]Xavier[/name_m] and [name_m]Zander[/name_m] also scheduled for the same day. Then I realized it’s just one of many names with that trendy ending sound. Plus it has the cool nickname [name_u]Van[/name_u]. So, I’m really not surprised it finally hit the top 1000.


I was checking my children’s names… [name_m]Maccabee[/name_m], my 2021 baby, of course is not going to be on the list, so I checked his nickname, Mac… oh my word… it jumped from 933 to 673… and the alternative spelling [name_u]Mack[/name_u] increased slightly as well, nothing close to 260 spots though!

HI @minxtruck – You read our minds. Check out the main new popularity blog for new data on fastest-rising names in and out of the Top 1000 Top Baby Names 2021 Announced! | Nameberry

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