What do you think of their names (Pt.1)

The styles are a bit jumbled to me: on one hand, Felicity, Verity and Nicholas go great together, with Andromeda and Sundance particularly being the outliers. I do like the virtue-middle-name theme you have going on, though!

Andromeda Hope - 8

Felicity Grace - 9

Nicholas Justis - 5 (the repeating ending sounds make the flow off, just a bit)

Verity Faith - 5 (this is a very wordy and descriptive name, which is not to my taste)

Sundance has a really beautiful sound, but it also has a very important meaning to Native Americans. Here’s a quote from another thread about Sundance: “The Sun Dance Ceremony, from which the name Sundance is derived, is the most significant religious ceremony of the plains tribes of North America” from this thread (Sundance Sibling - #11 by hellobanjo). I would definitely look into this name more and perhaps try to find alternatives.

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