I love these two names, [name]Emily[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] and [name]Katherine[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] the [name]Elizabeth[/name] is after my sister but here is the problem I googled both names and got a bunch of mugshots from women with the same name which has turned me off. What do you think of these names and would seeing dozens of mugshots from women with that name turn you off using it for your baby?
Yes, it’d turn me off a bit because I’d put myself in my daughter’s shoes googling myself and seeing those.
However, that can probably be remedied with a little tweaking.
[name]Emily[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name]
[name]Emma[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
[name]Emma[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name] (my favourite, it’s on my long list.)
[name]Catherine[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
[name]Katherine[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name]
[name]Kaitlyn[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
[name]Katie[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
[name]Kate[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
Or other variants of [name]Elizabeth[/name]: [name]Elise[/name], [name]Eliza[/name], [name]Liesl[/name], or [name]Bethany[/name] for the beth
That’s going to happen with any combo of popular/common names. A mugshot of an [name]Emily[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] is by nature going to be higher up on google than a random law-abiding [name]Emily[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] anyways (as police records and stuff like that usually do show up first). If you want to avoid that you’re going to have to use some pretty out there names and/or names that are just starting to be used (as young children who are getting the names for the first time or first time in awhile probably won’t have mugshots taken of them . . . )
I googled myself and my two favorite girl combos out of curiousity and got the same results (all fairly common names), as well as several porn stars. It’s unavoidable (if you use more common names).
I’d say go with it. Your future daughter will simply learn that she’s a lot better than many of the other [name]Emily[/name] or [name]Katherine[/name] Elizabeths out there!
All I think of w/ [name]Emily[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] is [name]Clifford[/name] the Big [name]Red[/name] Dog’s owner! But that’s not bad haha I think her name is pretty. As for the mugshots, I don’t think I’d be too worried about that?? I would’ve never thought to google images of a name. I think [name]Elizabeth[/name] is the best middle name in the world. I already used it w/ my first daughter but it just goes w/ everything and it’s so beautiful! I certainly would use it if it has meaning for you!
Was mine on there?
I am [name]Emily[/name] [name]Elisabeth[/name] though (oh, and I don’t have a mugshot)