What do you think of these names?

Can you guys tell me your opinions on these names, and give any suggestions you may have for me? Thanks! :smiley:

[name]Ama[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh)
[name]Amabel[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh-belle)
[name]Arabel[/name] ([name]Do[/name] you prefer the ARE-uh-belle or [name]AIR[/name]-uh-belle pronunciation?)
[name]Flair[/name]/Flare/Flara* (which oneā€™s the best?)
Kimarie (combination of ā€œ[name]Kim[/name]ā€ and ā€œ[name]Marie[/name]ā€ - said kind of like [name]Emery[/name].)
[name]Riane[/name] (ree anne)
Vive/[name]Viv[/name]'e (veev and vee-vay, respectively. I think I kinda made them up, lol.)

*= unsure about

[name]Ama[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh) - Iā€™ve thought about this as a nn for something like [name]Amaya[/name], [name]Amelia[/name], or [name]Amabel[/name], and I do like the Am- beginningā€¦ itā€™s very sweet and soft. Iā€™m not sure it really works and it has a bit of an awkward sound to me, though, which is why Iā€™ve rejected it from my own list.
[name]Amabel[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh-belle) - I used to like this, but Iā€™ve ultimately fallen out of love with it, mainly because I love other -bel names ([name]Isabelle[/name], [name]Annabel[/name], [name]Arabella[/name]), I hate that this is what [name]Mabel[/name] comes from (no offense to anyoneā€¦ I just canā€™t stand [name]Mabel[/name], lol), and Iā€™ve always heard people say that [name]Amabel[/name] and [name]Annabel[/name] will get confused. [name]Amabel[/name] and [name]Annabel[/name] honestly look really similar, and I just prefer sweet [name]Annabel[/name], personally.
[name]Arabel[/name] ([name]Do[/name] you prefer the ARE-uh-belle or [name]AIR[/name]-uh-belle pronunciation?) - I adore [name]Arabella[/name] but [name]Arabelle[/name]/[name]Arabel[/name] has never quite appealed to me as much. I prefer the [name]AIR[/name]-uh-belle prounciation, and I even prefer the [name]Arabelle[/name] spelling. It is prettyā€“I just like [name]Arabella[/name] more.
[name]Astrid[/name] - love! I considered this for my own list but I think, ultimately, if I add another ā€œAā€ name to my list itā€™ll be [name]Adele[/name].
[name]Aviva[/name]* - love! Itā€™sā€™ so full of life and fiery and sweet. I would love to meet an [name]Aviva[/name].
Channary* - not my thing at all, sorry! I canā€™t get past ā€œcanaryā€ā€¦
[name]Charmaine[/name] - For some reason I think of a Disney character ([name]Sharpay[/name], maybe?), and Charlemagneā€¦
[name]Coral[/name]* - Iā€™m not a fan of [name]Coral[/name] (or even [name]Coralie[/name], or [name]Coraline[/name]), but I adore [name]Cora[/name]!
[name]Erika[/name] - not my thing. I had a good friend in college named [name]Erika[/name], but I like the [name]Erica[/name] spelling so much more. It also feels very dated to me.
[name]Flair[/name]/Flare/Flara* (which oneā€™s the best?) - Flara, I guess, but I honestly prefer [name]Clara[/name], [name]Claire[/name], and [name]Fleur[/name]/[name]Flora[/name]. [name]Flair[/name]/Flare/Flara are not my thing at all, sorry.
[name]Kelley[/name] - like [name]Erika[/name], too dated for me, sorry. I would be much more impressed to see this on a boyā€“I love ā€œunisexā€, traditionally boysā€™ names given back to the boy (i.e. [name]Kelly[/name], [name]Shannon[/name], [name]Bailey[/name], [name]Avery[/name], [name]Emerson[/name], etc.)ā€¦
Kimarie (combination of ā€œ[name]Kim[/name]ā€ and ā€œ[name]Marie[/name]ā€ - said kind of like [name]Emery[/name].) - nms, sorry. I keep thinking of kimonos, haha.
[name]Laurel[/name] - love! Charming and sweet and down-to-earth and pretty. [name]One[/name] of my favorites from your list.
[name]Lisanne[/name]/[name]Lizanne[/name] - nms, even though I love [name]Lisette[/name] and [name]Arianne[/name]ā€¦
[name]Riane[/name] (ree anne) - again, I prefer [name]Arianne[/name]. [name]Riane[/name] isnā€™t bad, just nms, personally.
[name]Sky[/name] - very trendy right now. I can see its appeal but I wouldnā€™t use it as a FN, personally, and I would love to see [name]Schuyler[/name] on a boy so much more than [name]Sky/name on a girl.
Vive/[name]Viv[/name]'e (veev and vee-vay, respectively. I think I kinda made them up, lol.) - I think these would be sweet nns for [name]Vivienne[/name] or [name]Violet[/name]ā€¦ although I kind of doubt those are your style.

[name]Laurel[/name], [name]Astrid[/name], [name]Aviva[/name], and [name]Arabelle[/name]/[name]Arabel[/name] are my favorites.

[name]Ama[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh) - Doesnā€™t really seem like a name to me. [name]AMA[/name] is the [name]Alberta[/name] Motor Association here.
[name]Amabel[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh-belle) - Itā€™s cutesy, but I could easily see it being mistaken and need correction constantly for [name]Annabelle[/name]
[name]Arabel[/name] - I would pronounce it like Ar-ah-ble, like in Charlottes web. NMS
[name]Astrid[/name] - NMS
[name]Aviva[/name] - This is also an Insurance company
Channary - NMS
[name]Charmaine[/name] - Dislike by association
[name]Coral[/name] - [name]Don[/name]'t mind [name]Coral[/name] at all
[name]Erika[/name] - I know too many!!
[name]Flair[/name]/Flare/Flara - Flare for me would be the lesser of 3 evils, but I donā€™t like any for a first name :frowning:
[name]Kelley[/name] - Outdated imho
Kimarie - As a [name]Kim[/name] myself, I dislike this.
[name]Laurel[/name] - I love this name spelt [name]Laurelle[/name]
[name]Lisanne[/name]/[name]Lizanne[/name] - Sounds a bit hickish? Like it should be a double barrel name [name]Liz[/name]-[name]Anne[/name]
[name]Riane[/name] - I donā€™t mind it, but I think the spelling could use work, I want to pronounce it [name]Rye[/name]-[name]Anne[/name]
[name]Sky[/name] - NMS by association. I know too many trashy girls with this name.
Vive/[name]Viv[/name]'e - Maybe as a nickname for [name]Vivienne[/name] or another V name?

[name]Will[/name] get back to you on suggestions!

Thanks guys! Some of these are just fantastical musing, and I would never use them in real life, but itā€™s still nice to get peopleā€™s opinions on them! Keep the reviews coming! :slight_smile:

[name]Ama[/name] not bad but nms, I imagine you would get ā€œama? am a what?ā€
[name]Amabel[/name] - I like this but say AM ah bell (or something like that)
[name]Arabel[/name] - nms itā€™s OK but I like the [name]Arabelle[/name] spelling
[name]Astrid[/name] - love this name, the actress ƀstrid [name]Berg[/name]ĆØs-Frisbey has such a cool name imo
[name]Aviva[/name]* - OK but nms
Channary* -not a fan reminds me of the [name]Canary[/name] or cannery
[name]Charmaine[/name] - not a fan and I went to school with one who did the name no favor, reminds me of [name]Charmin[/name] toilet paper
[name]Coral[/name]* - OK but prefer [name]Coralie[/name]
[name]Erika[/name] - very 80s to me
[name]Flair[/name]/Flare/Flara* (which oneā€™s the best?) - I wouldnt consider [name]Flair[/name] to be a name and I dont care for the others
[name]Kelley[/name] - very dated imo
Kimarie (combination of ā€œ[name]Kim[/name]ā€ and ā€œ[name]Marie[/name]ā€ - said kind of like [name]Emery[/name].) - nms sounds made up
[name]Laurel[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name] this
[name]Lisanne[/name]/[name]Lizanne[/name] - OK but dated
[name]Riane[/name] (ree anne) - looks like [name]Raine[/name] misspelled
[name]Sky[/name] - not a fan of this name, seems strippery to me
Vive/[name]Viv[/name]'e - Vive means live in French as in ā€œVive la [name]France[/name]ā€ and is pronounced ā€œveevā€, I dont think of it as a name (and it isnt used as one as far as I know) so it seems weird to me. [name]Viv[/name]'e just looks made up and weird to me.

[name]Ama[/name] - Its ok I think [name]Alma[/name] would be a better alternative
[name]Amabel[/name] - I like it, and [name]Ama[/name] would make a good NN for it
[name]Arabel[/name] - I prefer either pronunciation, it seems incomplete though I think [name]Arabella[/name] is better
[name]Astrid[/name] - This seems very old lady and stuffy compared to your other names
[name]Aviva[/name]* - OOH I love this one!
Channary* - NMS
[name]Charmaine[/name] - it looks like [name]Charmin[/name] to meā€¦
[name]Coral[/name] - Its ok, it gives me a nice mental picture though
[name]Erika[/name] - Spell it correctly or donā€™t use it! It is only hard on the child because they are constantly correcting people. There is nothing wrong with [name]Erica[/name]!
[name]Flair[/name]/Flare/Flara* (which oneā€™s the best?) - None of them, too much pressure involved!
[name]Kelley[/name] - Again spell it properly! There is nothing wrong with [name]Kelly[/name]!
Kimarie (combination of ā€œ[name]Kim[/name]ā€ and ā€œ[name]Marie[/name]ā€ - said kind of like [name]Emery[/name].) - It seems like a knock off version of [name]Kimora[/name] which I find a lot prettier!
[name]Laurel[/name] - [name]LOVELY[/name]!!! Definitely my favorite of yours
[name]Lisanne[/name]/[name]Lizanne[/name] - DATED!!!
[name]Riane[/name] (ree anne) - reminds me a lot of [name]Rihanna[/name] but not bad
[name]Sky[/name] - It seems incomplete, what about [name]Skyla[/name] or [name]Skylar[/name]?
Vive/[name]Viv[/name]'e (veev and vee-vay, respectively. I think I kinda made them up, lol.) - They both look like made up NNs for [name]Vivienne[/name] to me.

[name]Ama[/name] ā€“ This is okay
[name]Amabel[/name] ā€“ Itā€™s nice but i donā€™t like it much
[name]Arabel[/name] ā€“ I prefer the ARE-uh-bell pronunciation and this name is so pretty! [name]Love[/name] it!
[name]Astrid[/name] ā€“ I love this name in theory for itā€™s great mythology, but it might be hard to pull of [name]IRL[/name] because of the ass sound in the beginning
[name]Aviva[/name]-- This is interesting. Very pretty
Channary ā€“ NMS sorry. Itā€™s doesnā€™t sound very attractive
[name]Charmaine[/name] ā€“ this is pretty but Iā€™m unsure if I like it. It almost sounds like Charlemagne but with the middle sound removed and then spelled weirdly.
[name]Coral[/name] ā€“ eh donā€™t like it at all
[name]Erika[/name] ā€“ This is nice and old fashioned a bit. Pretty though and definitely wearable
[name]Flair[/name]/Flare/Flara ā€“ I donā€™t know which is best and I donā€™t like any of them sorry
[name]Kelley[/name] ā€“ weird spelling but nice name! Dated, true, but still feminine and pretty
Kimarie ā€“ i would have said it [name]Kim[/name]-[name]Marie[/name] not [name]Kim[/name]-ery which is what it sounded like you wanted. Itā€™s okay though
[name]Laurel[/name] ā€“ nms
[name]Lisanne[/name]/[name]Lizanne[/name] ā€“ Itā€™s okay, I like it fine but I donā€™t have many feelings about it
[name]Riane[/name] ā€“ I like it. I think Iā€™d like [name]Rhiannon[/name] a bit better
[name]Sky[/name] ā€“ Very pretty
Vive/[name]Viv[/name]'e ā€“ both of these seem like nicknames for [name]Vivian[/name]/[name]Vivienne[/name] to me. Like [name]Vivi[/name] (viv-ee)

[name]Ama[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh) - With the ah-muh pronouncationā€¦ No. It just sounds odd to me. I do like ay-muh though.
[name]Amabel[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh-belle) - No. Sounds weird.
[name]Arabel[/name] - [name]Air[/name]-uh-bell. [name]Love[/name]. Are-uh-bell sounds weird to me.
[name]Astrid[/name] - Dont like.
[name]Aviva[/name]* - Dont like.
Channary* - Reminds me of cannary. No.
[name]Charmaine[/name] - No.
[name]Coral[/name]* - I like [name]Cora[/name] better.
[name]Erika[/name] - Not my style.
[name]Flair[/name]/Flare/Flara* - No. None.
[name]Kelley[/name] - Too plain for me.
Kimarie - I actually like the sound of this. I would like Kimary ([name]Mary[/name] instead of [name]Marie[/name]) better though.
[name]Laurel[/name] - This is okay.
[name]Lisanne[/name]/[name]Lizanne[/name] - This is okay.
[name]Riane[/name] (ree anne) - Dont like. It sounds incomplete.
[name]Sky[/name] - I like as a middle name.
Vive/[name]Viv[/name]'e - [name]Do[/name] not like. At all.

Iā€™m back with my musings for you! Lots of these either remind me of names you said, or have the same feel to me.

[name]Lorelai[/name] (I always associate this one with my love of [name]Laurelle[/name])

[name]Ama[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh) - I donā€™t really like it.
[name]Amabel[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh-belle) - Ditto as [name]Ama[/name]
[name]Arabel[/name] ([name]Do[/name] you prefer the ARE-uh-belle or [name]AIR[/name]-uh-belle pronunciation?) - I like it, but I like the prn Are-uh-belle.
[name]Astrid[/name] - Nms at all.
[name]Aviva[/name]* - I like this one!
Channary* - Itā€™s not bad, but itā€™s a bitā€¦outthere. I like [name]Chandler[/name] more.
[name]Charmaine[/name] - Awww, my momā€™s friends name. <3 Itā€™s nice, but I can only see it on a 40+ person. Lol
Coral* - I like it, nms, but I like it
Erika - Love Erika, but spelled Erica/Ericka.
Flair/Flare/Flara* (which oneā€™s the best?) - Flair. I keep thinking of the wrestler Rick Flair thoughā€¦so itā€™s kinda masculinized for me.
Kelley - I love Kelley, but spelled Kelly
Kimarie (combination of ā€œKimā€ and ā€œMarieā€ - said kind of like Emery.) - I donā€™t really like it. Itā€™s not bad, but itā€™s not great.
Laurel - AH, my middle name. Lol. I like it, but itā€™s kindaā€¦old fashioned sounding, so I think of older people. Probably cause itā€™s also my great auntā€™s name. Itā€™s not a bad name at all though. I know another little girl named Laurel, and she wears it so well.
Lisanne/Lizanne - I like Lisanne more, but not by much.
Riane (ree anne) - Itā€™s okay
Sky - I like Sky, but spelled Skye more.
Vive/Vivā€™e (veev and vee-vay, respectively. I think I kinda made them up, lol.) I like Vive, but not Vivā€™e. I do not like apostrophes in names AT ALL. Vive would be a great nn for Genevieve as well.

Thanks guuuuys. :slight_smile:

[name]Just[/name] to clarifyā€¦the [name]Kim[/name]-[name]Marie[/name] pronunciation is what I was going for. But, more flow-y, likeā€¦said quickly, like [name]Emery[/name]. I dunno. Itā€™s hard to explain. LOL. I think if I pronounced it [name]Kim[/name]-[name]Mary[/name] it would sound more like canary than Channary does, donā€™t you think? Channary rhymes with [name]Flannery[/name], or at least thatā€™s how Iā€™m saying it.

And I love [name]Lorelai[/name]! Forgot about that one! Lol. I used to have [name]Rhiannon[/name] on my list, but it just does not go with my last name AT ALL, so I gave it up. :frowning:

[name]Amica[/name]: I donā€™t know, itā€™s pretty cute, but I would never name my child thatā€¦
[name]Aletta[/name]: Sounds like a name from a knock-knock joke.
[name]Verity[/name]: NMS
[name]Phaedra[/name]: Seems old lady-like, also like a witchā€™s name
[name]Maire[/name]: I personally like [name]Marie[/name] way better
Attica [name]Don[/name]'t you dare knock-off [name]Atticus[/name]!
[name]Annika[/name]/Onnica: I think Anakin Skywalker when I hear [name]Annika[/name].
[name]Odessa[/name]: Yay, Swan [name]Lake[/name]! :slight_smile:
[name]Idabelle[/name]: NMS
[name]Rhiannon[/name]: [name]Rhianna[/name] and [name]Rowan[/name]?
[name]Lorelai[/name]: I like [name]Lorelei[/name] a whole bucket-load better.

[name]Ama[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh) - Too much of a nn for me. If it was short for something Iā€™d maybe like it.
[name]Amabel[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh-belle) - Itā€™s ok. I donā€™t like most ā€œbel/belleā€ names.
[name]Arabel[/name] ([name]Do[/name] you prefer the ARE-uh-belle or [name]AIR[/name]-uh-belle pronunciation?) - I prefer air-ah-bell. Itā€™s ok.
[name]Astrid[/name] - [name]Don[/name]'t like most flower names. Also donā€™t really like the ā€œassā€ sound.
[name]Aviva[/name]* - Sounds like a brand of something, not so much a name.
Channary* - [name]Don[/name]'t like it. Too made up sounding.
[name]Charmaine[/name] - Itā€™s ok.
[name]Coral[/name]* - I actually kinda like it, mostly because I like [name]Cora[/name].
[name]Erika[/name] - Prefer the [name]Erica[/name] spelling. Itā€™s a nice name, just NMS.
[name]Flair[/name]/Flare/Flara* - I really donā€™t like any of them but Iā€™d choose Flara if I absolutely had to. Reminds me of [name]Clara[/name].
[name]Kelley[/name] - Prefer [name]Kelly[/name]. Itā€™s an ok name. I have a bad association with the name so Iā€™m not a fan but if I didnā€™t, I think I might like it.
Kimarie (combination of ā€œ[name]Kim[/name]ā€ and ā€œ[name]Marie[/name]ā€ - said kind of like [name]Emery[/name].) - I donā€™t really like smoosh names. Sounds weird to me.
[name]Laurel[/name] - [name]Love[/name] it! A nice alternative to [name]Laura[/name]/[name]Lauren[/name]. Has meaning to me personally also because of my sorority.
[name]Lisanne[/name]/[name]Lizanne[/name] - Iā€™d prefer [name]Lizette[/name] personally but I donā€™t really like any of them.
[name]Riane[/name] (ree anne) - Itā€™s ok.
[name]Sky[/name] - I feel like itā€™s trying too hard to be hippy-ish, if that makes sense.
Vive/[name]Viv[/name]'e (veev and vee-vay, respectively. I think I kinda made them up, lol.) - Iā€™d like them ONLY as a nn for [name]Vivian[/name]/[name]Vivienne[/name]. Really donā€™t like them alone.

[name]Ama[/name]: I think this is the word for mother in some languages? So it would be weird on a baby to me.
[name]Amabel[/name]: I donā€™t dislike it, but I do see the room for confusion with [name]Annabel[/name]. I actually prefer [name]Amabel[/name], but then again, I also like [name]Mabel[/name] : D.
[name]Arabel[/name] - I like the sound, I use the [name]AIR[/name] prn, the ARE prn sounds like horrible with an accent. It does look incomplete to me, I like this spelling better but still want to knee jerk to [name]Arabelle[/name], and is starting to feel trendy though.
[name]Astrid[/name] - I like many associations with this name but donā€™t find it wearable.
[name]Aviva[/name] - love it! Beautiful
Channary - makes me think of a cannery. Itā€™s not awful, I just donā€™t see what youā€™d get from it.
[name]Charmaine[/name] - makes me think of [name]Charmin[/name] TP!
[name]Coral[/name] - I like it, but like [name]Cora[/name] more.
[name]Erika[/name] - is OK and [name]Erica[/name] is even more OK. I do think itā€™s dated but I still find it acceptable.
[name]Flair[/name]/Flare/Flara - sorry, I just think of Points of [name]Flair[/name] from Office Spaceā€¦
[name]Kelley[/name] - I agree, [name]Kelly[/name] is preferable absent a huge family reason for [name]Kelley[/name]. I donā€™t mind either, to me itā€™s similar to [name]Erika[/name].
[name]Laurel[/name] - lovely! Great choice!
[name]Lisanne[/name]/[name]Lizanne[/name] - I prefer the [name]Lisanne[/name] spellingā€¦it feels a little tired.
[name]Riane[/name] - seems to lightweight to me.
[name]Sky[/name] - I like it OK, prefer it spelled [name]Skye[/name] like the Scottish location.
Vive - nah, too much. I think it could be a nn for [name]Aviva[/name] too though!

What aboutā€¦
[name]Ama[/name]: [name]Aimee[/name]
[name]Astrid[/name]: [name]Ingrid[/name], [name]Esther[/name]
[name]Aviva[/name]: [name]Anona[/name], Azuza, [name]Azalea[/name]
Channary: [name]Flannery[/name]

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Astrid[/name] and the rest I donā€™t like at all.

Thanks for the input! Some great suggestions! I really like [name]Ingrid[/name], and [name]Flannery[/name] was already on my list! :slight_smile:

[name]Ama[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh)- in mexico they call a house wife ā€œama de casaā€ so i have a wierd association with itā€¦
[name]Amabel[/name] ([name]AH[/name]-muh-belle)- ok
[name]Arabel[/name] ([name]Do[/name] you prefer the ARE-uh-belle or [name]AIR[/name]-uh-belle pronunciation?)- I like the [name]AIR[/name] pronunciation!
[name]Astrid[/name]- Like dont love
[name]Charmaine[/name]- Prefer [name]Charlotte[/name] or [name]Charlize[/name]
[name]Coral[/name]- Very cuteā€¦ also like [name]Cora[/name]!
[name]Erika[/name]- seems a little 80s to me but an overall nice name
(which oneā€™s the best?) I guess id say [name]Flair[/name]ā€¦ i prefer the way it looks but im not a huge fan in general
[name]Kelley[/name]- I have ALWAYS loved this name! [name]Every[/name] [name]Kelly[/name] I have ever met has been gorgeous and so nice!
Kimarie (combination of ā€œ[name]Kim[/name]ā€ and ā€œ[name]Marie[/name]ā€ - said kind of like [name]Emery[/name].)- prefer [name]Emery[/name]!
[name]Laurel[/name]- Very nice!
[name]Lisanne[/name]/[name]Lizanne[/name] - what about [name]Lizette[/name]? or [name]Lisbet[/name]?
[name]Riane[/name] (ree anne)- not badā€¦ reminds me or [name]Raine[/name] (ray n)
[name]Sky[/name]- Great as a MN
Vive/[name]Viv[/name]'e (veev and vee-vay, respectively. I think I kinda made them up, lol.)- I agree with the others better as a NNā€¦ but i dont like apostrophes in ANY nameā€¦ sorry!

*= unsure about