What do you think of these?

It’s my friend who is actually considering these but the more she talks about them the more I am crushing on them! Anyway, she’s quite far along but doesn’t know if baby is a boy or girl and she is considering…

[name]Lincoln[/name] [name]James[/name] / [name]Lincoln[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]
[name]Adriel[/name] [name]James[/name] / [name]Adriel[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]
Koa [name]James/name
[name]Weston[/name] [name]James[/name] / [name]Weston[/name] [name]Joseph[/name]


[name]Meadow[/name] [name]Annabel[/name]
[name]Pippa[/name] [name]Violet[/name]
[name]Cricket[/name] [name]Annabel[/name]
[name]Elora[/name] [name]Cricket[/name] / [name]Elora[/name] [name]Violet[/name]

Those are her options for the little one at the moment but I’m more interested in your thoughts on [name]Adriel[/name] and Koa; what do you think of them?

[name]Weston[/name] [name]James[/name] and [name]Meadow[/name] [name]Annabel[/name]

[name]Meadow[/name] is one of my all time favorites but off limits due to it being a friends maiden name and she’s using it.

[name]Lincoln[/name], Koa, and pippa are not my style and cricket is pretty awful [name]IMO[/name].
I prefer [name]Eliora[/name] to [name]Elora[/name] and [name]Adrian[/name] to [name]Adriel[/name].

[name]Lincoln[/name] [name]James[/name] > [name]Lincoln[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] - [name]Love[/name] it! Plain and simple
[name]Adriel[/name] - Not a fan. Sounds/looks too much like adderall, the [name]ADD[/name] medication
Koa - Not a fan, to snake-like. Plus I’m sure she’d never get the right pronunciation or spelling
[name]Weston[/name] - Great name choice

I’d go with [name]Lincoln[/name] or [name]Weston[/name], both with middle name [name]James[/name]

I’m horrible with girl names so I’ll leave those for someone else, haha

I think [name]Adriel[/name] and Koa are wonderful! [name]Lincoln[/name] keeps popping up everywhere I look (I get it, wonderful name, namesake and oooh so dashing [name]Daniel[/name] [name]Day[/name]-[name]Lewis[/name] in the movie, yummy yum). [name]Meadow[/name] and [name]Cricket[/name] are cute as can be, and [name]Elora[/name] is very pretty. [name]Pippa[/name] [name]Violet[/name] is two of my least favourite names, and I think the combo is boring.

I would do [name]Adriel[/name] [name]Joseph[/name] or Koa [name]James[/name] and [name]Meadow[/name] [name]Elora[/name] or [name]Cricket[/name] [name]Annabelle[/name] ([name]Cricket[/name] [name]Amabel[/name], [name]Cricket[/name] [name]Violetta[/name]?)

I love Koa. Its really popular where I’m from (hawaii). Great strong name here. Its usually part of a longer name like Makoa or Kekoa. My favorites are [name]Adriel[/name], [name]Weston[/name], and [name]Elora[/name].

For the boy option, I like [name]Lincoln[/name] and [name]Weston[/name] (nn [name]West[/name]).

For the girl option, I like [name]Cricket[/name] as a middle name or nickname (soooo cute) - but not as a first name. I know that seems kind of stuffy to say, but there is a fuzzy, undefined line for me when it comes to nature/animal/tree/bird names. [name]Wren[/name]/[name]Ruby[/name]/[name]Willow[/name]? - Awesome. [name]Bunny[/name]/[name]Kitty[/name]? Not as much. [name]Just[/name] personal preference. For some reason, [name]Cricket[/name] falls into that “too-cute first name / but an adorable nickname” category for me. If you are going to call a girl Cookie, [name]Bunny[/name], or [name]Cricket[/name], I think you should give her a fall-back for when she is an adult - like [name]Cordelia[/name], [name]Beatrice[/name], or [name]Catherine[/name].