What do you think of these? šŸŒµ

I hope you donā€™t mind, but I literally rated every name. This is part one :sweat_smile:

[name_m]Anchor[/name_m] - 7/10 I like this one, especially on a girl. The symbolism of being strong and grounded would serve a child well and I like the sea imagery.

[name_f]Apple[/name_f] - 5/10 Itā€™s been used as the default ā€œwacky celebrity nameā€ to the point that it no longer feels that out there. It has a cheerful sound. Not my favourite on this list, but a nice choice, especially in the middle.

[name_m]Athens[/name_m] 9/10 This one is a favourite for me. Its evocative, unfamiliar but very name-like, and fresh. Would love to meet a little [name_m]Athens[/name_m].

[name_m]Auburn[/name_m] - 7/10 I like the autumnal vibes, it feels like [name_f]Aubrey[/name_f] for the odd beat. Itā€™s a solid choice.

Avenue - 4/10 Absolutely beautiful sound, but itā€™s just too similar to naming a child ā€œstreetā€. The meaning feels too every day for me personally.

[name_m]Berlin[/name_m] - 5/10 Itā€™s a good name, I have no critiques, it just isnā€™t my favourite sound wise. Maybe the B followed by a lin ending feels too trendy for me?

Bingley - 2/10 [name_f]Love[/name_f] the character, but this name just makes me think of the search engine.

[name_f]Bliss[/name_f] - 6/10 Itā€™s a very nice meaning, but something about the sound just isnā€™t clicking for me.

[name_m]Booth[/name_m] - 2/10 [name_m]John[/name_m] [name_m]Wilkes[/name_m] [name_m]Booth[/name_m] and restaurant plastic and rhyming with ā€œtoothā€ - I feel like thereā€™s a lot of odd or negative associations.

[name_m]Bramble[/name_m] - 9/10 [name_f]Love[/name_f], love, love [name_m]Bramble[/name_m]. It feels like a wilder sister to [name_f]Briar[/name_f], and I love plant names for girls that have a bit of bite to them. Brambles donā€™t have to be pretty or delicate.

[name_m]Brave[/name_m] - 6/10 I prefer [name_m]Bravery[/name_m], it feels a bit more complete to me. I do also worry about putting a bit of personality pressure on a kid with a name so tied to a specific trait. But bravery can come in many forms and itā€™s a lovely trait to instill in a little one.

[name_f]Brindle[/name_f] - 4/10 I want to like this one more and I almost do, I think the association with dog fur is tripping me up.

[name_f]Bristol[/name_f] - 6/10 Very pretty, and I like the ol ending.

[name_m]Bronze[/name_m] - 6/10 I could get behind this one. It feels fun and evokes images of heat and metal and shine in a way thatā€™s fun. Iā€™m not sure it would work on a person whoā€™s too pale, though.

[name_f]Burgundy[/name_f] - 5/10 Has a nice rhythm, itā€™s just not a colour I particularly like.

Byers - 1/10 I feel like itā€™s a bit too corporate. Like the little one is a potential buyer from the moment of birth.

[name_m]Calgary[/name_m] - 6/10 Itā€™s got a nice rhythm and potential nickname [name_f]Callie[/name_f]. Also a good way to honour a [name_m]Gary[/name_m] in the family (I have one in mine and itā€™s a tricky name to modernize, especially for a girl).

[name_m]Calvert[/name_m] - 4/10. I prefer [name_m]Calgary[/name_m], but the v in the middle has done fun energy.

[name_m]Campion[/name_m] - 7/10 Very cool. I like that itā€™s one letter from champion but itā€™s got a more streamlined sound and itā€™s another unfrilly floral name. Cam/Cami could be a cute nickname.

Capulet - 7/10 [name_f]Juliet[/name_f] for more offbeat tastes. I like the -let ending and the flow of the name. Nicknames [name_m]Cap[/name_m] or [name_f]Cali[/name_f] are also cute. Itā€™s growing on me the more I sit with it.

Carpenter - 7/10 Always makes me think of [name_f]Karen[/name_f] Carpenter, but I donā€™t think that many younger people will and her music is gorgeous. Daring and interesting choice. I think people might shorten it to Carrie/Cari, which I donā€™t love, but thereā€™s also [name_m]Pen[/name_m] which is super fun.

[name_m]Castle[/name_m] - 8/10 Such a cool name with more mainstream nickname [name_m]Cass[/name_m] built right in.

[name_m]Castor[/name_m] - 2/10 I want to like this more than I do. The fact that [name_m]Castor[/name_m] oil is a laxative really damages the appeal of the sound.

Cavalry - 7/10 I prefer Cavalry over [name_m]Calgary[/name_m], they both have the same Cassidy-esque rhythm but Cavalry is so bold and heroic. Cav is also such a cool nickname.

Chambers - 3/10 Makes me think of bedrooms. It feels a bit to me like an old timey butler name from a murder mystery who definitely did it.

[name_f]Channary[/name_f] - 9/10 I have such a soft spot for [name_f]Channary[/name_f]. I love that it means ā€œmoon girlā€ in Cambodian, I love the similarity to words like chant and chance, I love how it sounds so preppy and on trend while having this deeper meaning. Iā€™d love to meet a little [name_f]Channary[/name_f].

[name_m]Channing[/name_m] - 5/10 Iā€™m always hesitant to use names that are highly associated with one celeb because you never know if that person will do something that darkens the name association. Iā€™ll say that here and judge the names on their merits. [name_m]Channing[/name_m] is nice - I love that -ing ending, but I think [name_f]Channary[/name_f] is the more appealing name overall.

Chapell - 8/10 Very associated with [name_f]Chappell[/name_f] [name_m]Roan[/name_m] right now but itā€™s just so cute. Such a light, bright sound and chapel captures all the nice, comfortable, pretty aspects of church. I picture a sweet little country chapel and even as a non religious person, itā€™s an appealing concept.

[name_m]Chaplin[/name_m] - 6/10 The chap sound feels stronger in this name, but it does feel very name like with that lin ending and has a nice cheery sound.

[name_f]Chesney[/name_f] - 7/10 Reminds me of [name_f]Tesni[/name_f], a name I absolutely adore. Fun, maybe a bit trendy, but a cute name all around.

[name_m]Chord[/name_m] - 6/10 I like this, itā€™s simple, conjures images of music and working together. Might be a bit teasable if the child isnā€™t musically inclined, but feels confident and fun regardless.

Chrome - 2/10 Too Google chrome for me.

[name_m]Clancy[/name_m] - 6/10 I picture a smooth talking little detective with this name, feels like a more androgynous, modern [name_f]Claire[/name_f].

[name_m]Clemens[/name_m] - 4/10 I think I prefer maybe [name_f]Clementine[/name_f]. This name feels slightly incomplete and Iā€™m not a huge fan of [name_m]Clem[/name_m], but for someone who loves that nickname and wants something more streamlined, this could be great.

[name_m]Cobalt[/name_m] - 8/10 Very cool. I picture a really confident, bright person with a lot of charisma. [name_m]Coby[/name_m] or [name_f]Coco[/name_f] are really cute short forms too.

[name_m]Connelly[/name_m] - 7/10 [name_f]Lovely[/name_f] sound. Iā€™m not a huge [name_f]Connie[/name_f] fan which gives me a bit of pause, but the elly end is so nice on paper.

Corduroy - 6/10 Makes me think of Corduroy [name_m]Bear[/name_m], but itā€™s a sweet association. If Paisleyā€™s so popular, why not?

[name_m]Costello[/name_m] - 3/10 I donā€™t know why, itā€™s just not sparking much for me. Maybe the ā€œcostā€ part is throwing me off.

[name_m]Courtland[/name_m] - 8/10 I donā€™t know why, but Iā€™ve always liked this one. Sometimes taste is just random, I guess.

Courts - 7/10 I like a lot as a cute nickname for [name_m]Courtland[/name_m], less on its own. Too similar to quarts.

[name_m]Credence[/name_m] - 3/10 This would probably be higher without those awful Fantastic Beasts movies.

[name_m]Creed[/name_m] - 2/10 Reminds me too much of the creepy guy from The Office (American). I do like the idea of encouraging a child to live by a set of principles, but creed has also been used to describe harmful or extremist beliefs as well.

[name_f]Crescent[/name_f] - 6/10 Feels like a modern [name_f]Celeste[/name_f]. I like of crescent rolls and the crescent moon.

[name_f]Cricket[/name_f] 8/10 - I love [name_f]Cricket[/name_f]. So cute and again, I like nature names for girls that convey energy and arenā€™t necessarily about passive beauty.

[name_m]Culver[/name_m] - 5/10 Feels too fast food and I donā€™t love the sound.

[name_m]Cypress[/name_m] - 6/10 I love a tree name and [name_m]Cy[/name_m] is a super cool day-to-day name.

[name_f]Daytona[/name_f] - 7/10 Makes me think of [name_f]Jackie[/name_f] [name_f]Daytona[/name_f] from What We [name_f]Do[/name_f] in the Shadows, but itā€™s a one-episode reference that just makes me smile, tbh. This one is so sunny.

[name_f]December[/name_f] - 8/10 Makes me picture all the best parts of winter; fresh snow and hot chocolate, cosy fires and ice skating. [name_f]Love[/name_f] Dess and [name_f]Emmy[/name_f] as nicknames.

Delaware - 6/10 Gets to Dela in a very cool and unexpected way.

[name_f]Delight[/name_f] - 4/10 Sweet, but very associated with desserts for me and might be a bit ironic during the tantrum phase.

[name_m]Dempsey[/name_m] - 3/10 Feels a bit too dumpy to me.

[name_m]Denali[/name_m] - 6/10 [name_f]Love[/name_f] a mountain name. I feel like itā€™s so grounded and vast a destiny to give a child. [name_m]Denali[/name_m] also has a lovely sound.

[name_m]Diem[/name_m] - 3/10 Honestly, not really sure what to do with this name. [name_m]Diem[/name_m] as in Carpe [name_m]Diem[/name_m] has a nice sound and meaning, but my first instinct is to say ā€œdimeā€.

[name_m]Diesel[/name_m] - 2/10 I get the appeal in a [name_m]Rocket[/name_m] or [name_f]Rebel[/name_f] kind of way, but [name_m]Diesel[/name_m] feels a bit too gasoline and cartoon-y.

[name_m]Dover[/name_m] - 3/10 Reminds me too much of the [name_m]Ben[/name_m] [name_m]Dover[/name_m] joke, which is a shame because the sound is really nice.

[name_m]Draper[/name_m] - 2/10 I canā€™t really get past the last five letters.

[name_m]Drummer[/name_m] - 7/10 I like [name_m]Drummer[/name_m] a lot. It feels very marching to the beat of oneā€™s own drum, itā€™s musical like [name_f]Harper[/name_f] but more unique.

[name_m]Drummond[/name_m] - 4/10 I just really prefer [name_m]Drummer[/name_m].

[name_m]Dublin[/name_m] - 6/10 Everything I like about [name_m]Berlin[/name_m] but a little more offbeat and unusual.

Dunaway - 7/10 Has such a cool sound, Iā€™m a sucker for any name ending in -way.

[name_m]Dutch[/name_m] - 4/10 Feels a bit odd to name a child after a nationality or ethnicity or group of people to me, but the sound isnā€™t bad and if the family has some connection to [name_m]Dutch[/name_m] culture, I think it could work.

[name_m]Dynasty[/name_m] - 3/10 Makes me think of drama TV shows and the nasty ending kind of soils a nice sound.

[name_m]Eclipse[/name_m] - 5/10 Very associated with [name_m]Twilight[/name_m] for me, but I do love the nature meaning.

[name_m]Ferris[/name_m] - 3/10 Too [name_m]Ferris[/name_m] Beuller.

[name_m]Fielder[/name_m] - 5/10 I like [name_m]Field[/name_m] as a concept and itā€™s pleasantly sporty.

[name_m]Fields[/name_m] - 5/10 Especially cute as a nickname for a [name_m]Fielder[/name_m]

[name_f]Flannery[/name_f] - 5/10 Not a huge fan of the Flan beginning, but itā€™s fun and would be cute on a little one.

Flyer - 4/10 I love the idea of flying high, not as fond of the papers that get shoved in my hand on the way to the supermarket.

[name_f]Galaxy[/name_f] - 6/10 I think of the chocolate brand, but also a beautiful nature meaning and I love nickname [name_f]Gal[/name_f].

[name_m]Gambit[/name_m] - 4/10 It feels a bit too comic bookey for me.

[name_m]Garland[/name_m] - 7/10 It evokes Old Hollywood and garlands of flowers. Really nice.

[name_m]Gates[/name_m] - 6/10 Cool sound, but it feels like somethingā€™s missing for me.

[name_m]Gatsby[/name_m] - 8/10 I love an unusual literary name. The original does have some heavy themes (including abuse and racism) so it may be a book to be proactive in teaching the child about, but the name [name_m]Gatsby[/name_m] does evoke some beautiful imagery and a profound story.

[name_f]Gidget[/name_f] - 2/10 Sounds too much like the m slur to me.

Giverny - 4/10 Iā€™m not usually into luxury brands as names, but it has a nice sound.

[name_m]Groves[/name_m] - 3/10 Itā€™s a lovely image, but the sound of the name feels a bit dark and creepy, maybe because of graves.

[name_m]Hart[/name_m] - 7/10 I think this is sweet and simple and I like that it evokes all of the associations we have with a heart in a trim surnamey package.

[name_m]Harvest[/name_m] - 7/10 A little bit hippie, but in a nice way. I love the association with autumn, harvest moons, and planning ahead and caring for nature.

[name_f]Hathaway[/name_f] - 7/10 I associate it with [name_f]Anne[/name_f] [name_f]Hathaway[/name_f] the actor and Shakespeareā€™s wife, so it feels very literary and theatrical.

[name_f]Horizon[/name_f] - 6/10 Feels so full of possibility.

Hyland - 5/10 Has a really nice sound.

[name_f]Joplin[/name_f] - 5/10 [name_f]Janis[/name_f] [name_f]Joplin[/name_f] is a nice association, but the sound on its own isnā€™t my favourite.

Joyner - 4/10 [name_f]Love[/name_f] the ā€œjoyā€ not a fan of the ā€œjoin herā€ sound.

[name_m]Kansas[/name_m] - 5/10 I wouldnā€™t think of this one, but itā€™s kind of cool. Makes me think of prairies and picturesque farms.

[name_m]Keane[/name_m] - 7/10 [name_f]Love[/name_f] the meaning ā€œancientā€ and that it looks like keen, meaning clever and enthusiastic.

[name_m]Kearney[/name_m] - 6/10 The meaning ā€œvictoryā€ is very cool and [name_m]Kearney[/name_m] sounds cute. Iā€™d love to see it on a kid.

[name_m]Keating[/name_m] - 6/10 Nice literary association and good sound

[name_m]Kessler[/name_m] - 5/10 I wish I liked this one more. The [name_f]Kess[/name_f] beginning is very pleasing, but Iā€™m not a huge fan of the full sound. It makes me think middle manager.

[name_m]Keyes[/name_m] - 7/10 [name_m]Sharp[/name_m] and stylish, I like the idea of opening doors.

[name_m]Kiefer[/name_m] - 4/10 [name_m]Just[/name_m] not a fan. The sound doesnā€™t work for me.

[name_f]Kismet[/name_f] - 3/10 I find it odd to name a child after a spiritual concept, especially for a religion the child may not be a part of.

[name_m]Knightley[/name_m] - 7/10 Very cool sound.

[name_m]Kodiak[/name_m] - 4/10 Makes me think of the camera company. Still a fun way to get to [name_m]Kodi[/name_m].

[name_m]Laramie[/name_m] - 5/10 A lot of cowboy cool, but just doesnā€™t hit for me.

[name_f]Larkin[/name_f] - 8/10 I love ā€œLarkā€ names, and Larkinā€™s surnamey and smooth.

Lawler - 2/10 Makes me think [name_m]Lawyer[/name_m] and Brawler.

[name_m]Lazuli[/name_m] - 7/10 I love nickname Laz and the sound of the full name, plus the association with the beautiful stone.

[name_m]Levitt[/name_m] - 5/10 Cool streamlined surname.

[name_f]Levity[/name_f] - 4/10 [name_f]Levity[/name_f] can be very welcome in some scenarios, but seems like it would be hard to wear every day.

[name_f]Lively[/name_f] - 8/10 I love [name_f]Lively[/name_f]. I think itā€™s so bright and charming and feminine.

[name_m]Livingston[/name_m] - 7/10 Seems a bit severe, but I love the [name_f]Liv[/name_f] beginning and itā€™s ultimately very sleek.

[name_m]Loyal[/name_m] - 3/10 Itā€™s a nice virtue, but something about it seems odd as a name to me.

[name_m]Lyons[/name_m] - 6/10 Iā€™m not sure whether to pronounce in lee-ons or lie-ons, but both are nice and I love the way it looks on paper.

[name_f]Merced[/name_f] - 4/10 Feels like someone was trying to type [name_f]Mercedes[/name_f] and got cut off.

[name_m]Mercury[/name_m] - 7/10 Highly cool and I like a planet name. There is the toxic material to think about, but the sound is still really nice and I think it works overall.

[name_m]Merritt[/name_m] - 6/10 A good solid name, but I think itā€™s just slightly overused.

[name_m]Monaco[/name_m] - 4/10 Makes me think of rich people on yachts. Luxurious maybe, but not particularly soulful.

Nebraska - 4/10 I prefer [name_f]Alaska[/name_f].

[name_m]Nevada[/name_m] - 5/10 I lived in [name_m]Nevada[/name_m] as well and there is something romantic about desert evenings and the open road and [name_f]Vegas[/name_f] lights.

[name_f]Nimue[/name_f] - 7/10 The association with the [name_f]Lady[/name_f] of the [name_f]Lake[/name_f] elevates this name for me despite having a less than stunning sound.

[name_m]North[/name_m] - 4/10 I get the appeal of [name_m]True[/name_m] [name_m]North[/name_m] and the [name_m]North[/name_m] star and the Northern lights, but the sound just isnā€™t there for me and itā€™s very tied to [name_m]North[/name_m] [name_m]West[/name_m].

[name_f]Oasis[/name_f] 6/10 Cool band, cool sound, cool image. I like the implication of finding lushness and beauty in harsh environments as well.

[name_f]Petal[/name_f] - 7/10 [name_f]Lovely[/name_f] and soft and colourful, but Iā€™d prefer to use it as a pet name and put something less delicate on the birth certificate.

[name_m]Pine[/name_m] - 4/10 Fresh and interesting tree name, but perhaps a bit too pine sol scented.

[name_m]Quest[/name_m] - 6/10 Very cool name, evocative and gives a sense of destiny to a little one.

Reacher - 2/10 Feels a bit creepy.

[name_m]Redding[/name_m] - 3/10 Thereā€™s a city near [name_f]London[/name_f] called [name_m]Redding[/name_m] and it wouldnā€™t necessarily inspire a namesake imo.

[name_m]Reeves[/name_m] - 7/10 Cool sound

Region - 2/10 Feels a bit too mundane and well, regional.

[name_f]Rumer[/name_f] - 9/10 I have such a soft spot for [name_f]Rumer[/name_f]. I love the sound, the way it looks, nicknames [name_f]Rue[/name_f] and [name_f]Rumi[/name_f]. Itā€™s just a great name.

[name_m]Rydell[/name_m] - 7/10 Interesting name with a really nice sound.

[name_f]Sabre[/name_f] - 6/10 Iā€™m not sure how I feel about weapon names, but [name_f]Sabre[/name_f] is definitely the coolest of them.

[name_m]Satchel[/name_m] - 6/10 Makes me think of [name_m]Satchel[/name_m] [name_f]Paige[/name_f]. Effortlessly confident.

[name_m]Saturn[/name_m] - 7/10 Iā€™ve not thought of [name_m]Saturn[/name_m] as a baby name before, but it really works.

[name_m]Sayers[/name_m] - 3/10 I feel like this one blends it with all the Sawyers and Sailors.

[name_f]September[/name_f] - 5/10 I prefer other month names, but this one isnā€™t bad. I like the images of early fall and the leaves turning and cool breezes.

Shelter - 6/10 Comforting and warm, but with a modern sound.

Shepler - 6/10 I love the name [name_m]Shepard[/name_m] so much I think I like this name better by association. But Iā€™d rather use [name_m]Shepard[/name_m].

[name_f]Sheridan[/name_f] - 7/10 Really nice name, but feels a bit trendy to me. Not quite as fresh as some of the others here.

[name_m]Shields[/name_m] - 3/10 A little too sci fi.

[name_f]Shine[/name_f] - 6/10 Sweet name, a little bit literal but a lovely way to emphasize the light a baby brings into a familyā€™s life.

[name_m]Silver[/name_m] - 8/10 I like [name_m]Silver[/name_m]. Itā€™s so pretty and strong at the same time. Iā€™d love to meet a little [name_m]Silver[/name_m].

[name_m]Sparks[/name_m] - 4/10 I like it better as a nickname.

Spears - 3/10 I do love [name_f]Britney[/name_f] Spears, but I think her name is hers alone.

Stocklin - 2/10 A little too stock market.

[name_m]Suede[/name_m] - 3/10 [name_m]Just[/name_m] doesnā€™t do it for me.

Sutherland - 6/10 I actually do really like this name. Sounds preppy, but smooth.

[name_f]Swayze[/name_f] - 3/10 Looks super cool on paper, but makes me think of the word ā€œsleezyā€.

[name_m]Taurus[/name_m] - 3/10 A little too bullish for me.

[name_f]Teal[/name_f] - 7/10 [name_f]Pretty[/name_f] colour and a trim, nice little name.

[name_m]Teller[/name_m] - 1/10 Makes me think of a bank teller or tattle tale.

[name_f]Tempest[/name_f] - 8/10 Big fan of [name_f]Tempest[/name_f]. Might feel a bit too appropriate during the toddler years, but I like girls names that emphasize the power of nature. I also really like the potential nickname [name_f]Tessie[/name_f].

Tennant - 6/10 [name_m]Strong[/name_m] association with [name_m]David[/name_m] Tennant, but I like the concept of a flag bearing little one who sticks to their principles.

[name_m]Tennessee[/name_m] - 6/10 I like the association with [name_m]Tennessee[/name_m] [name_m]Williams[/name_m], not sure I like the inevitable ā€œonly ten I seeā€ jokes.

[name_m]Tenzin[/name_m] - 6/10 [name_f]Beautiful[/name_f] name, but I would expect the child or family to have some link to Buddhism or Tibet as a nation.

[name_m]Theory[/name_m] - 2/10 A bit too intangible and wishy washy. I get that scientific theories are more concrete and solid, but the popular association with theory is just an idea or guess and itā€™s not the most confident meaning for a child.

[name_f]Thistle[/name_f] - 6/10 Cool sound, I like it more the more I picture it.

[name_m]Thorne[/name_m] - 7/10 I like [name_m]Thorne[/name_m] a lot. [name_m]Sharp[/name_m] (literally) and has a cool sound.

[name_f]Tierney[/name_f] - 7/10 Not on my personal short list, but a lovely name with a very bright, happy sound.

Tisdale - 6/10 So sleek and cute at the same time. One of the more pleasing celebrity surname names for me.

Toledo - I wouldnā€™t use this one unless I had a connection to the city. The name isnā€™t bad, but thereā€™s nothing in the sound that leaps out to me.

[name_f]Topanga[/name_f] - 2/10 This name is all [name_m]Boy[/name_m] Meets World to me.

[name_f]Topaz[/name_f] - 3/10 Iā€™m just not a fan of the sound.

[name_f]Topeka[/name_f] - 3/10 [name_m]Just[/name_m] isnā€™t hitting, similar to Toledo

[name_m]Towers[/name_m] - 2/10 [name_m]Just[/name_m] feels too ordinary and noun-ey.

[name_m]Townsend[/name_m] - 6/10 Really nice sound, but I donā€™t see any fun nickname options, which I personally prefer to have in a surname name.

Tracker - 1/10 I donā€™t have any positive associations with trackers and itā€™s not a very nice sound.

[name_f]Tuesday[/name_f] - 7/10 A pleasant day name with a nice tinsely sound.

[name_f]Tulsa[/name_f] - 6/10 A beautiful name, simple yet stand out. However, the history of [name_f]Tulsa[/name_f] is complicated. It was the site of [name_m]Black[/name_m] wall street, and also the site of a white supremacist massacre and years of racist violence. I think itā€™s the responsibility of every parent to have frank conversations with their child about racism, but it may be especially important with a little [name_f]Tulsa[/name_f].

[name_f]Tupelo[/name_f] - 3/10 Intriguing sound, but not for me.

Tuscany - 7/10 Very cool sound. One of my favourites of the Italian place names.

[name_f]Unity[/name_f] - 6/10 Iā€™m not a huge fan of the -ity names, but [name_f]Unity[/name_f] is a noble message and a pretty name.

[name_m]Utah[/name_m] - 6/10 I used to live in [name_m]Utah[/name_m] and while itā€™s full of natural beauty and some lovely places, I also wouldnā€™t necessarily use it for my own child. [name_m]Utah[/name_m] has some unique challenges other states donā€™t. That having been said, itā€™s a fun and unexpected name, so I donā€™t know.

[name_f]Vale[/name_f] - 7/10 I like how itā€™s simple and associated with comfort, protection and natural beauty.

[name_f]Velvet[/name_f] - 3/10 Sounds a bit too much like a name from a bodice ripper novel.

[name_f]Venice[/name_f] - 5/10 Nice. [name_m]Just[/name_m] nice. I like the idea of canals and Italian vistas, but itā€™s not grabbing me as a name.

Venture - 2/10 Too tied to venture capital for me.

[name_f]Vesper[/name_f] - 5/10 I wish I liked this one more. Itā€™s genuinely pretty, it just feels like itā€™s trying too hard.

[name_m]Voyager[/name_m] - 8/10 Sounds like a fantasy character and I donā€™t even care, this is just an awesome name. I love it in the middle especially.

[name_m]Weaver[/name_m] - 7/10 Very cool if slightly mythical sounding name.

Westry - 9/10 No notes on this name. Itā€™s just so cool.

[name_f]Windsor[/name_f] - 4/10 I like the ā€œwindā€ part, but living in [name_f]England[/name_f], [name_f]Windsor[/name_f] feels too tied to the royal family. It has a genuinely cool sound.

[name_f]Winfrey[/name_f] - 4/10 I know the [name_m]Win[/name_m] names are very popular and this has a genuinely nice sound, but Iā€™m not a huge [name_f]Winnie[/name_f] fan and without that thereā€™s not much else here.

[name_f]Winslet[/name_f] - 4/10 Same as [name_f]Winfrey[/name_f].

[name_m]Woods[/name_m] - 7/10 I love this name especially in the middle, evokes green-gold light through trees and beautiful paths in the forest. [name_f]Love[/name_f] a woodsy name and what could be Woodsier than [name_m]Woods[/name_m]?

[name_m]Worth[/name_m] - 3/10 [name_m]Worth[/name_m] is a lovely thing to bestow on a child, but kind of odd as a name.

[name_f]Wyoming[/name_f] - 7/10 Looks amazing on paper and has a cool western vibe.

[name_m]Yardley[/name_m] - 3/10 I just donā€™t love the sound.