What do you think of this name? Is it even usable at all?

[name_m]Icarus[/name_m] [name_m]Bishop[/name_m]. (Bishop being the middle)

Is it usable? [name_f]Do[/name_f] you like it? Any negative connotations? Does it age well?

I realize there will be room for teasing as far as the prefix goes, “Ic” = Ick, icky, etc… But kids will always find something to make fun of when it comes to names, even if it is the minutest of things, and if Ick/Icky is the worst this name has got, I don’t see it as a problem. But what do you guys think?

More middle name suggestions would be great, too. Must flow well, and I prefer for it to have a meaning that lifts the meaning of Icarus. (Icarus = Follower, he who follows, so obviously I’d like a name that means something positive, so the whole meaning of the name is, for example, He who follows the heart, etc…)

The combo is a bit quirky, but I think [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] could be pulled off. There are loads of other out-there names.
And 2 out there names paired together might be too much, but on the other side: Middle names are rarely used.

Over-all, I say: Yes, it’s usable.

I don’t feel that this would be a usable name at all. To me there are a lot of negative connotations. I wouldn’t like the nickname bit and I’m a big believer in the meaning of names. What makes it special for you?

It’s a bit much, but a strong willed child could pull it off.

I do not think that [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] is usable as a first name because the story of [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] has only negative connotations. (The sound of [name_m]Icarus[/name_m], as you said, is not an insurmountable problem.)

In Greek mythology, [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] is a symbol of having too much pride ([name_m]Icarus[/name_m] wanted to fly and so made himself wings out of wax and feathers; against the advice of his father he used them and flew too close to the sun, and the sun melted the wax and [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] fell into the ocean and drowned). I wouldn’t want that story to be people’s first/primary association with my first name. If you reversed the names to have [name_m]Bishop[/name_m] [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] I think it would work fine.

Have you considered other Greek mythology names? Here’s the Nameberry list: God Names from Myth and Legend | Nameberry

Some of my favorites from this are…

[name_m]Apollo[/name_m] [name_m]Bishop[/name_m]
[name_m]Hector[/name_m] [name_m]Bishop[/name_m]
[name_u]Orion[/name_u] [name_m]Bishop[/name_m]

I’ve been crushing on [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] for ages. I don’t know why, it just crept up on me. [name_m]Even[/name_m] the ick sound and negative connotations don’t bug me. Only thing is, I have this (illogical and ridiculous) rule about using 7 letter names, and I don’t like dear [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] enough to break it, so it most likely will be a middle. [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] [name_m]Bishop[/name_m] is okay (I’m not really a fan of [name_m]Bishop[/name_m]), but I quite like [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] [name_m]Hugo[/name_m] as a combo, so it would mean ‘He who follows the mind/intellect’. I’ve also got from another name website that [name_m]Hugo[/name_m] means mind, heart or spirit, which would all be great if inserted into [name_m]Icarus[/name_m]’ meaning. I love combined meanings in names too. :slight_smile: Oh, and I think it’s usable.

I don’t think [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] works on a person. [name_m]Bishop[/name_m] is usable though.

I’m sorry but I am totally anti-[name_m]Icarus[/name_m]. Too “out there” for me. [name_m]Bishop[/name_m] is a very nice middle name though!

I think it could definitely work, and, unlike other posters, I feel that [name_m]Bishop[/name_m] is the more unusable counterpart. Being Catholic, it strikes me strongly as a vocation, and I can’t shake the feeling that it’s not quite a name. It’s the same with [name_m]Deacon[/name_m] {but not [name_m]Beacon[/name_m]}. [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] is an wonderful name, and I know plenty of people with equally unusual titles that not only can pull them off, but do it with an unaccountable amount of nonchalance and suave in the bargain : ) I would, however, change the middle to something just a tad more streamlined to help balance out the unexpectedness of the combination.

Yes I agree [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] is a very beautiful name. [name_m]Just[/name_m] have to hope he’s a confident child to carry it - are you have a very outgoing family to rub off on him? I too would search for a middle name with positive meaning to balance it but for me [name_m]Bishop[/name_m] is the unuseable portion though.

Sorry, no I don’t.

The right kind of person could pull it off. Since you don’t know a child’s personality at birth I would give it a “safer” middle name that they could use if [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] is too much for them.
The mythology part of it bothers me some but not enough to but me off the name entirely. It wasn’t so much that he was prideful but more curious and he wanted to push the envelope. So to me [name_m]Icarus[/name_m]’ downfall wasn’t from pride but the folly of youth which gives it a completely different feel.

It is a bit much as a combo, but maybe separately they could work. [name_m]Bishop[/name_m] is a nice middle, [name_u]Orion[/name_u] [name_m]Bishop[/name_m] is a nice combo.

I would say oh you named your kid [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] then I would say wait…??? Kid Icarus - Wikipedia oh right… That. Then of course the Greek [name_m]Icarus[/name_m] :-/ and even the fact that the name starts with Ick… Its a lot to saddle a baby with, perhaps ignatius ? Something with slightly less weight.