What do you think of...

[name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Juliana[/name]? I love [name]Eleanor[/name] and have not given up hope although my husband isn’t crazy about it. Here are the requirements I have:

[name]One[/name] name must be French.
[name]One[/name] name must be Latin.
[name]One[/name] name must be the name of a queen. (my first name is a queen’s name)
There has got to be a derivative of “[name]Anne[/name]” in there somewhere to honor two family members.

So all these are met and I really think [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Juliana[/name] is beautiful. We might do the nickname [name]Elle[/name] or [name]Ella[/name] around the house - we are not big on shortening names. What do you think?

I love french and latin names, do you want french versions of the latin name as well? [name]Do[/name] you speak french, I can suggest names but I dont want to suggest ones that may be hard for you or others to say. I would go with [name]Eleanor[/name] but spelled [name]El[/name]éonore or [name]Ali[/name]énor. Let me know and I would be happy to help you with the french and latin names :slight_smile:

[name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Julianna[/name] is gorgeous… I love it!

[name]Eleanor[/name] is nms personally, but I really like the flow and sound of [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Juliana[/name].