What do you think of the name Hensyn? [name]Do[/name] you think it’s more boy then girl? And does the spelling (Hensyn) vrs (Henson) make it to feminine? I need opinions!! We have 3 weeks left till baby and NO NAME!
Hmmm… not really my style — I think “[name]Hanson[/name]”, like the band… even though I wasn’t even into the group when they were popular for some reason thats where my mind went first.
But, if you love it (and obviously it doesn’t scream “[name]Hanson[/name]” to you), then by all means use it!!! :o)
I would pair it with something one syllable (like “[name]Jude[/name]” or “[name]James[/name]”)… of course, that all depends on how long your last name is and what it starts with. If you have a shorter last name, than I think a longer middle would be in order.
Hm. I can’t say it screams boy or girl to me, but I’ll go with boy. It does sound like a mispronunciation of [name]Hanson[/name] to me, and I can’t say that I find the name on the whole very appealing, especially with that Y in there. But, if it is a family name and spelling, or if you just really love it, then use it.
I’m not nuts about it. Are you sold? [name]Do[/name] you want it for a boy or a girl? It falls between two stools for me. It sounds like a boy name, but the ‘y’ makes me think someone is trying to steal it for the girls.
If you want it for a girl’s name, I’d suggest frilly and feminine for the middle name – Hensyn [name]Elizabeth[/name] or Hensyn [name]Scarlett[/name] or Hensyn [name]Delilah[/name]. If you want it for a boy’s name, I’d suggest strongly masculine and traditional – Hensyn [name]William[/name], Hensyn [name]James[/name], Hensyn [name]Andrew[/name].
I don’t really care for it. I agree with pp that it sounds like a boys’ name but with that spelling it looks like someone is trying to use it for a girl ([name]Emersyn[/name], etc). I too thought of [name]Jim[/name] Henson of muppet fame immediately. I can’t tell from your post if you’re expecting a boy or girl. [name]Do[/name] you want more options or just middles for Hensyn?
For middles, I agree with pp that for a girl, the name should be clearly feminine ([name]Elizabeth[/name], [name]Louise[/name], [name]Claire[/name], [name]Julia[/name], etc). For a boy, I would go with classic ([name]William[/name], [name]James[/name])