What do you think?!?!?

What do you think of the name Hensyn? [name]Do[/name] you think it’s more boy then girl? And does the spelling (Hensyn) vrs (Henson) make it to feminine? I need opinions!! We have 3 weeks left till baby and NO NAME!

Also middle names that might go with it?

Thanks :slight_smile:

My 1st thought is “I’ve never heard that name” and my 2nd is “It sounds made up”

When you ask if Hensyn makes it too feminine, does that mean you want to use Hensyn for a boy?

  1. I would recommend using it only if it is somehow a family name
  2. Moreoever I would only recommend using that spelling (with a y) if it is also a family spelling.

So overall, guess I can’t say I’m a fan.

Hmmm… not really my style — I think “[name]Hanson[/name]”, like the band… even though I wasn’t even into the group when they were popular for some reason thats where my mind went first.

But, if you love it (and obviously it doesn’t scream “[name]Hanson[/name]” to you), then by all means use it!!! :o)

I would pair it with something one syllable (like “[name]Jude[/name]” or “[name]James[/name]”)… of course, that all depends on how long your last name is and what it starts with. If you have a shorter last name, than I think a longer middle would be in order.

I dont know why it threw a random surprised smiley into my post. I must of accidentally clicked something. lol. You can ignore that.

Hm. I can’t say it screams boy or girl to me, but I’ll go with boy. It does sound like a mispronunciation of [name]Hanson[/name] to me, and I can’t say that I find the name on the whole very appealing, especially with that Y in there. But, if it is a family name and spelling, or if you just really love it, then use it.

I’d recommend [name]Jensen[/name], though.


sounds more masculine to me - reminds me of jim henson, the muppets guy and the nn ‘hen’ just sounds like what old women call you, much like ‘pet’

I’m not nuts about it. Are you sold? [name]Do[/name] you want it for a boy or a girl? It falls between two stools for me. It sounds like a boy name, but the ‘y’ makes me think someone is trying to steal it for the girls.

If you want it for a girl’s name, I’d suggest frilly and feminine for the middle name – Hensyn [name]Elizabeth[/name] or Hensyn [name]Scarlett[/name] or Hensyn [name]Delilah[/name]. If you want it for a boy’s name, I’d suggest strongly masculine and traditional – Hensyn [name]William[/name], Hensyn [name]James[/name], Hensyn [name]Andrew[/name].

I don’t really care for it. I agree with pp that it sounds like a boys’ name but with that spelling it looks like someone is trying to use it for a girl ([name]Emersyn[/name], etc). I too thought of [name]Jim[/name] Henson of muppet fame immediately. I can’t tell from your post if you’re expecting a boy or girl. [name]Do[/name] you want more options or just middles for Hensyn?

For middles, I agree with pp that for a girl, the name should be clearly feminine ([name]Elizabeth[/name], [name]Louise[/name], [name]Claire[/name], [name]Julia[/name], etc). For a boy, I would go with classic ([name]William[/name], [name]James[/name])

I don’t love it. If I had to pick, I’d spell it Henson, though. And I think that either way it sounds more masculine than feminine.