What do you think?

What do you think of the name [name]Raina[/name] [name]Lorelai[/name] (Lor-eh-lye)?

Bump, anyone?

I love it - great combo!

[name]Both[/name] names are on my long list, but I hadn’t neccessarily thought about pairing them together. Also nice to see someone wanting to use [name]Lorelei[/name], as it seems to get a few negative reactions here because of the [name]Gilmore[/name] Girls connection.

Also need advise on the spelling of the mn, I like the way [name]Lorelai[/name] looks better, but I know that [name]Lorelei[/name] is the proper spelling. Which would you use

I would use [name]Lorelai[/name] bc I think it looks softer and cuter. But I know alot of berries would disagree with me.
I like [name]Lorelai[/name] [name]Raina[/name]

[name]Raina[/name] and [name]Lorelai[/name] feel too similar when I say them for me to consider pairing them together. [name]Raina[/name] with another mn and [name]Lorelai[/name] with another mn/fn would be better, I feel.

But with that said, I do not like [name]Raina[/name] at all. My husband would call it a “[name]Magic[/name] [name]Pixie[/name] [name]Dream[/name] Girl” name, and I would have to agree.

I have never seen anyone use the [name]Lorelai[/name] spelling, but this actually makes me like the name more. I’m more accustomed to “ai” making the long “i” sound over “ei”. When I see [name]Lorelei[/name], my brain automatically wants to read it as either “Lorelee” or “Lorelay”, but I do not have this problem with [name]Lorelai[/name].

Yes I think if you want the lye sound to be intuitive, [name]Lorelai[/name] makes sense. I have no attachment to that name, so it doesn’t bother me, but it might annoy a [name]Lorelei[/name] purist. I like [name]Raina[/name]. I knew a [name]Raina[/name] who was an amazing ballerina. The name just makes me think of rain, and of [name]Rainer[/name] [name]Maria[/name] Rilke (and who doesn’t love Rilke?) It doesn’t seem like a pixie dreamgirl name to me. I think it has a clarity to it, like [name]Reed[/name], or [name]Mia[/name]. [name]Lorelai[/name] is from a different planet, imo. [name]Raina[/name] is sharp at the beginning, then open at the end. [name]Lorelai[/name] sits right in the middle of your mouth when you say it, sort of like [name]Cordelia[/name] or Stephanopolis… like a mouthful of marbles. With [name]Raina[/name], I’d play up that sleekness with a middle name:
[name]Raina[/name] [name]Simone[/name]
[name]Raina[/name] [name]Katine[/name]
[name]Raina[/name] [name]Felicity[/name]
[name]Raina[/name] [name]Odelia[/name]
[name]Raina[/name] [name]Elora[/name]
[name]Raina[/name] Margeurite
[name]Raina[/name] [name]Cecile[/name]
[name]Raina[/name] [name]Niamh[/name]
[name]Raina[/name] [name]Sabine[/name]

If you’re into the sound, I prefer [name]Reina[/name] (queenly associations and all). If you want to evoke stormy weather, [name]Raine[/name] or [name]Lorraine[/name] would get my vote, though the latter does not work with mn [name]Lorelai[/name].

I like both [name]Raina[/name]/[name]Reina[/name] and [name]Lorelei[/name], plus they sound nice together. I would also prefer [name]Reina[/name] [name]Lorelei[/name], but you prefer [name]Raina[/name], its not a big deal. [name]Reina[/name] [name]Lorelei[/name] is a good choice :slight_smile: