[name]How[/name] do you feel about the name [name]Julianne[/name]? Is it classic? Boring? Sweet?
I think [name]Julianne[/name] is beautiful! Definitely sweet as can be I slightly prefer [name]Julianna[/name] and [name]Julia[/name] but they are all beautiful
Classic. I love it along with [name]Julia[/name] and [name]Julianna[/name].
Hmmmm… I never thought of [name]Julianna[/name] before. Thanks.
I love [name]Julianne[/name]! I think it’s long and classy and chic and feels more fresh than other Jul- names that have gotten more love recently. ([name]Juliet[/name], [name]Juliana[/name], [name]Julia[/name]…)
I like all the “[name]Julie[/name]” names. I think they are all classic.