I had an auntie named [name]Phyllis[/name] and I grew up with a girl of Greek origin named [name]Phyllis[/name], but I can’t remember the last time I heard it. It seems to have disappeared.
It’s funny you posted this, because I’ve just been thinking about [name]Phyllis[/name]. I know a middle-aged [name]Phyllis[/name] in real life. Other than her, I don’t know any. There is a character named [name]Phyllis[/name] on the [name]Mary[/name] [name]Tyler[/name] [name]Moore[/name] show that is often called [name]Phil[/name] (a TERRIBLE nn for a girl [name]IMO[/name].) Anyway, I’ve been wondering if [name]Phyllis[/name] might start popping up around Nameberry with the likes of [name]Iris[/name], [name]Carys[/name], and [name]Amaryllis[/name] being so popular on here - and also with the resurgence of vintage favorites.
I find [name]Phyllis[/name] an intriguing name, but not at all feminine or something I would consider using for my own daughter. But she sure is interesting, none the less!
Maybe another oldie due for a comeback? The only [name]Phyllis[/name] I know is my aunt’s mother who’s in her 80s. Personally, I don’t think it’s got the same cute factor as some other vintage names.
I’ve been thinking about [name]Phyllis[/name] also, as you can tell by my signature A dear, elderly church friend with this name passed away suddenly a few months ago, and the idea crossed my mind that I might like to use [name]Phyllis[/name] as a middle name someday to honor her. I see [name]Phyllis[/name] as one of the grandma names, in the same group as [name]Ethel[/name], [name]Edna[/name], [name]Lillian[/name], [name]Hazel[/name] and [name]Dorothy[/name], some of which are coming back already and some of which are not. [name]Phyllis[/name] has a lovely nature meaning (“green bough”), history, and literary cred behind her.
I think my biggest problem with [name]Phyllis[/name] is its aesthetics–the spelling looks clunky and unattractive, and there’s no good way to improve it, even if I was all for changing original spellings. I find the sound quite pleasant. While it’s similar to male names [name]Philip[/name] and [name]Willis[/name], it’s also not that far from the very feminine [name]Alice[/name].
Who knows? I could actually see [name]Phyllis[/name] coming back, and personally, I’d welcome her.
Thankfully, she retired to the retirement community. Hopefully, she never returns…
All I think of is The Office, and as much as I love the show, I hate [name]Phyllis[/name]. She’s such an annoying character. Still, I really don’t like [name]Phyllis[/name] as a name.
I think this may be one of the problems with it. It’s clunky, but other clunky names have made a comeback ([name]Beatrice[/name], [name]Mabel[/name], [name]Doris[/name], etc), but it’s association with an unlikeable character on a well known tv show makes it hard for people to get past.
I like the [name]Phyllis[/name] character, and I think she embodies the stereotypes of the name.
[name]Even[/name] if I completely divorce my ear from all stereotypes, preconceptions, cultural associations, etc, I still don’t like [name]Phyllis[/name]. It sounds wet, like you’re spitting at someone when you say it, and kind of mushy.
I agree with [name]Blade[/name]. I don’t think it has the right kind of sounds to come back. A lot of the old-fashioned names that came back into popularity are really light and airy ([name]Emma[/name], [name]Ella[/name], [name]Ava[/name], etc), whereas [name]Phyllis[/name] is just… mushy.
[name]One[/name] of my closest friends is named [name]Phyllis[/name]. Goes by [name]Lys[/name]/[name]Lyssa[/name]. She’s 18. Very smart and witty.
The variation [name]Phyllida[/name] is nice.
I guess [name]Phyllis[/name] Diller isn’t a good association for most people. [name]Shame[/name], really, she was quite a character. I’ll bet anything if there was a [name]Phyllis[/name] on, say, Downton [name]Abbey[/name], mommies-to-be would be flocking to it though.
I don’t associate names with stereotypes if I can help it. I strictly go by the sound of a name. [name]Phyllis[/name] is a pretty sounding name and I could see it making a comeback. I truly like all F & PH names as they sound romantic and feminine to my ear.
[name]Phyllis[/name] is my mom’s name! She has always hated it though. Most people call her Phyll/[name]Phil[/name] and my dad nicknamed her [name]Rosey[/name] because she has rosy cheeks. Her middle name is [name]Edith[/name], which she also hates.
My brother and his wife and stepdaughter have a cat named [name]Phyllis[/name], and she’s pretty lame, even for a cat. She hides when I’m there, and she pees on the bed when no one’s home.
They named the cat [name]Phyllis[/name] because they thought, well, they thought it was hilarious to name a cat [name]Phyllis[/name]. Which it is!
But now I just associate [name]Phyllis[/name] with this dumb cat.
[name]Phyllis[/name] may make a return in 5-10 years. Lots of names, I never thought would return, I find climbing in popularity. So while I don’t imagine it will as popular as [name]Sophia[/name] and [name]Olivia[/name], I am counting out forever. [name]Shirley[/name] anyone?
I agree with the others - I don’t think [name]Phyllis[/name] has the right sound and look to come back - she’s quite clunky. And I’m honestly fine with that - the one [name]Phyllis[/name] I knew was kind of a nasty woman. Though the nickname Liss is quite cute, but I’d rather use [name]Felicity[/name] or [name]Melissa[/name] or something like that.
It would be interesting to see if [name]Phyllis[/name] does make a comeback, right now though I don’t think it’s ready. [name]Phyllis[/name] sounds a bit grumpy and down, the Phyl- part just isn’t a sound that is attractive to me.
I can’t get into to [name]Phyllis[/name], I think I prefer [name]Philippa[/name].
[name]Phyllis[/name] is actually on my extended favorites list. I just never mention it because I assume people would find it out-moded.
I don’t think it’s going to make a comeback anytime soon.
I actually fell in love with it while marathoning through Bewitched Episodes. It’s [name]Samantha[/name]'s [name]MIL[/name]'s name.
It also is the name of the wife of a soldier who sent care-packages to my family in Germany after WWII.