What is my naming style?

Sometimes I feel like my name style is kind of random. Some people like whimsical, some like traditional, and some like Boho. I’m not quite sure where I land. I think I’m a little on the boho side, but I’m not really into names like [name_f]Blossom[/name_f], [name_f]Wildflower[/name_f], [name_u]Bodhi[/name_u], or [name_f]Boheme[/name_f] for first names. [name_f]Do[/name_f] you think you guys could try to sum up my style?





Pretty earthy. I get a rural, down-to-earth vibe.

In a word I might describe it as offbeat? I’m not entirely sure whether that’s a good word, but that’s what I think of. Not unfamiliar, but different enough to be on the braver side of mainstream!

Yes that’s a good way to describe it!

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I definitely do get a hipster-boho vibe from your list.

Fwiw, I don’t think just because you dislike some boho-style names that it’s not your style. I’d say I have more of a vintage/traditional style, but there are tons of names in that category that I dislike myself. :slight_smile:

Fun, hip and outdoorsy!