What is your favorite gender to name? [name]Do[/name] you think it is easier to name boys or girls? [name]Do[/name] you have a longer list for either gender?
Personally I could name 30 boys and then still have more names ready to go. I think it is so easy to come up with a boys combo that I love. I still love girls names but it is just so much harder for me to find a girls combo that I really love.
I am just curious to see if everyone has an easier gender or a specific gender that they like to name more than the other.
Definitely girls! Boy names just don’t pop out to me like girl names. For girl names, I have a core list of names I love, and a bunch that I like, and the rest are meh or I dislike. For boys, it’s either I love them, or I dislike them, and I don’t love too many. So, definitely girl names!
Girls! But that may have something to do with the fact that I have 4 boys and 1 girl. These other girl names are burning a hole in my pocket, so-to-speak.
Tough question. Boys names are easier, because my favourites rarely change and my top 5 has been set in stone for years.
Girls names are more interesting and fun, but much harder to choose your actual favourite. So based on that, I’ll say boys.
In general girls names pop at me more though. Maybe its cause I only have daughters, idk.
Surprisingly, boys! I can never stick with a girls’ combo for long, but my boys’ combos are pretty solid. I have the same problem with girl names that youssarian has with boy names, lol.
I like more girls names and find more girls names to be usable. But sometimes the choices just boggle me. Boys names, I like fewer, and have a few strong favourites. But I hardly ever find a new and beautiful boy’s name, whereas I discover/rediscover girls’ ones all the time.
On one hand, boys’ names have always come so much more easily for both me and my husband. We settled on [name]Asher[/name]‘s name before he was ever conceived, and our list for another boy is short and has rarely changed over the past few years, and I love that. [name]Bettina[/name], on the other hand, was a huge challenge to name, but it was a challenge I really enjoyed. My girls’ list has always been longer and included more diverse styles than the boys’ list, and changes often.
Overall, I’d say I prefer naming girls, because of the plethora of options (even though those options can make things difficult, too).
^this. I am so much fussier with girl names than I am with boy names. I agree that it’s way easier to find the name you are just concrete set on for a boy. I’ll illustrate this with some of my favourite names:
[name]Fabian[/name] - “I love this name! Masculine, but soft, and still on trend, but not too popular!”
[name]Nathaniel[/name] - “I’m not concerned about popularity! It’s so respectable and has awesome nicknames!”
[name]Floyd[/name] - “Same as [name]Fabian[/name] - masculine, on trend, etc.”
[name]Solomon[/name] - “This name is so cool and respectable like [name]Nathaniel[/name]!”
[name]Jasmine[/name] - “Oh… well… it’s really pretty and people say I look like a [name]Jasmine[/name] or a [name]Yasmin[/name] so chances are a future daughter will too, but I’ve heard it’s kind of dated…”
[name]Aveline[/name]/Avelina/Avelyn/[name]Evalyn[/name] - “Gorgeous name - but for the life of me I can’t set myself on a variation. Some are too long, some too ancient, some will be mispronounced…”
[name]Norah[/name] - “It’s gorgeous… but… I read a book with a really annoying main character called [name]Nora[/name]. And people will just spell it without the H…”
[name]Delilah[/name] - “I love it, but what of the Biblical story? I mean, I’m not religious but she might choose to be, and she might be uncomfortable sharing a name with one of the evil ones. It’s not [name]Jezebel[/name] or anything, but still. And then there’s the nickname I can’t decide on…”
[name]Mercy[/name]/[name]Liberty[/name] - “[name]Adore[/name] these names and I adore the meanings, I think mercy and liberty are things we should all aim for, but what if people think it’s really weird and don’t take her seriously?”
Is anyone else as fussy as me? Does anyone else find these really petty setbacks with their favourite girl names?
Definitely boy names. I have my couple favourite girl names, but past that I start getting confused about whether or not I actually like a name. For boys, my list goes on and on for ones I’d be game to use (after [name]Edmund[/name]). I like a lot of girl names… more than boys, I think, but I love less of them. I love more boy names, for sure.
Definitely girls’ names! They’re so much more fun. Boys’ names are great, but girls’ names… it’s almost like an art form. haha. I love coming up with girls’ names and it’s usually SO much easier for me to come up with a combo.
Surprisingly, at the moment, my girls’ list is shorter than my boys’ list, but that’s only because I can’t decide which boys’ names to axe…
While I don’t have a single master list to make an exact comparison, I know there’d be far more girls’ names up for consideration. If there are some boys’ names that would be quicker choices, it’s only because there are fewer alternatives, not because I like my top boys’ names more than my top girls’ names (the opposite, in fact). For girls, there’s no longer a clear set at the very top, and even though there are depressingly many possibilities, it would be more fun to name a girl. [name]Even[/name] though there’d be far more equally attractive names I didn’t use, there are more I wouldn’t regret.
This. I have two set in stone favorites for boys, and a few extras that I like enough to use but not as much, but other than that I don’t even have enough boys’ names to fill a whole top ten. Whereas with girls, I have a list of 20 or 30, but the ones that I feel strongly about change quite a bit more. For instance I go back and forth between sets like [name]Harlow[/name], [name]Piper[/name], and [name]Scout[/name] versus [name]Sadie[/name], [name]Leona[/name], and [name]Augusta[/name]. If I could find a way to mix those two styles together I’d be good to go!
Girls, for sure. I think the fact that I could deal with a houseful of daughters easier than a houseful of sons has something to do with it. Also, I have a harder time with boys names, since many on my list are sound-alikes ([name]Adrian[/name], [name]Julian[/name], [name]Damian[/name], [name]Lucian[/name], [name]Sebastian[/name]; [name]Edmund[/name], [name]Edward[/name]; [name]Leopold[/name], [name]Theodore[/name]; etc), so it would be hard not to repeat if I had more than a few sons.
Almost my thoughts exactly…boys’ names have always been easier for me. I love a lot of boys’ names, and I like many, many more. I’m much more “likely to like” a new boy’s name I hear than a new girl’s name. It has always been hard for me to find girls’ names I love. It may have something to do with the fact that there are so many more great male names than female names in the Bible, but not all my favorites are Bible names! I think I’ll be a lot more comfortable naming sons.
I find it sooo much easier to find boys names I love. My list is long for future sons, but I really struggle to find names I really really love for girls.
Definitely boys names. Sometimes I half-like a girls name, but when I try to picture actually using it, I decide I don’t like it so much. But I have a list of boys names I love, and I could easily use any of them.
This for sure. I have tons of boys names ready to go, and I can’t find one girls name that I love enough to use at the moment. Well, I could use [name]Sarah[/name] in a heartbeat, but it’s so overused and I know so many that it gives me pause.
It’s so much easier to name a boy! My son’s name was so easy, and I’ve been completely happy with it. When we found out I was pregnant again, we had another boy’s name ready to go. We even had a back-up set just in case. Then, we found out we were having a girl. I’ve agonized over names, and we haven’t been able to come to an agreement. I worry that because it’s been so hard to find one that there will be naming regret, too. Again, boys’ names are so much easier!