So I had my ultrasound! And we are definitely having a boy!
Anyways, [name]Theo[/name] came to me with a few names that I’m really liking. I was just wondering what you guys think of them?
What kind of person do you imagine when you see these names:
[name]Raphael[/name] (no nickname- I don’t like [name]Raffy[/name])
[name]Ambrose[/name] (nickname [name]Bo[/name])
[name]Emilio[/name] (nickname [name]Lio[/name])
[name]Lorenzo[/name] (nickname [name]Renz[/name] or [name]Enzo[/name])
[name]Roscoe[/name] (maybe [name]Ross[/name]?)
[name]Raphael[/name]-- I’m quite biased, as it’s my son’s middle name. I think it’s dreamy, romantic, angelic, artistic. It also has some backbone.
[name]Ambrose[/name]-- a sweetly fusty name. Fantastic namesakes (St [name]Ambrose[/name], [name]Merlin[/name]), but the -rose ending unfortunately can be perceived as feminine. Many people unfamiliar with its history might see it as a smash between [name]Amber[/name] and [name]Rose[/name].
[name]Emilio[/name]-- Mr Estevez, first and foremost. Again, with the mega-popularity of [name]Emily[/name], the male variants will suffer.
[name]Lorenzo[/name]-- a swashbuckling, rollocking name. Very handsome, debonair, chic.
[name]Roscoe[/name]-- fat country sheriff’s deputy
VERY italian. I like [name]Emilio[/name] a lot. I actually think that could come in style right now in the area taken by [name]Milo[/name] and [name]Emmett[/name] right now. I went to school with an [name]Emilio[/name] and he had a very big personality. No connection to [name]Emily[/name] ever entered my mind.
[name]Emilio[/name] and [name]Lorenzo[/name] are fantastic names. They each have multiple nn possibilities, which make them very attractive names. These are also names that can grow with a boy. I can picture an adorable, little Milio or [name]Enzo[/name], yet an incredibly handsome, dashing [name]Emilio[/name] or [name]Lorenzo[/name]. I want to like [name]Roscoe[/name] because there is definitely a fun, playful quality to it, but I agree that it is very “country sheriff”.
I think [name]Theo[/name] is the best by far. [name]Roscoe[/name] is [name]Roscoe[/name] P. Coletrain for me. I think [name]Raphael[/name] is nice, but can’t imagine actually using it. I really like [name]Lorenzo[/name], but with Snooki using it…im not so sure.
I like [name]Raphael[/name], [name]Emilio[/name], and [name]Lorenzo[/name]. They are also common enough that they don’t have a particular connotation for me.
[name]Roscoe[/name] is still [name]Roscoe[/name] P. Coletrain for me, as well. I think of [name]Ambrose[/name] as a guy who lived in 19th century [name]London[/name], and wore bowties and bowler hats.