What makes a name trashy, down-market, or stripper-y?
I’ve heard many of my favorite names called these… and I’m just wondering what it is about them? And if they really are trashy, why do I like them? I’ve never thought of myself that way. I mean, I grew up in a rather preppy suburb!
Here they are: [name]Lorelei[/name], [name]Coralie[/name], and [name]Annaleigh[/name].
Is it because they end in vowels sounds other than -ah? I certainly hope not.
Interesting question! I really liked [name]Lorelei[/name], until the [name]Gilmore[/name] Girls/Gentlemen connection. The [name]Marilyn[/name] [name]Monroe[/name] film was about [name]Lorelei[/name], a gold-digger, which can be classy (see Priceless with [name]Audrey[/name] Tatou!) but I think has negative connotations otherwise.
I don’t consider those names in particular to be trashy or anything like that. [name]IMO[/name] it’s the misspelled names (like most names that replaced a C with a K) and a lot of the virtue names. When I hear of a [name]Chastity[/name], [name]Promise[/name], or Innocence, I can’t help but think of a stripper. Sorry to anyone who loves those names. It’s definitely not all virtue names though - names like [name]Grace[/name], [name]Faith[/name] and [name]Hope[/name] aren’t my style but don’t scream stripper to me.
Oh, and names that are just… weird. Like Sparkles, [name]Destiny[/name], [name]Princess[/name], Glitter, [name]Diva[/name], names like that. Anything that just… sounds like a stripper’s stage name. I guess it’s hard to explain why exactly.
I don’t think of any of the three names listed as “trashy” nor do I associate them with strippers.
I think strippers/exotic dancers adopt names that they think are sexy, alluring and feminine ([name]Destiny[/name], [name]Tiffany[/name], etc). Then when we see billboards with these “stripper names” we can’t help but think “trashy”.
I guess “trashy” is very subjective. What might be trashy to me would be perfectly fine for everyone else.
I dont think your choices are trashy, however when I say the name [name]Annaleigh[/name] outloud it sounds too much like “anally” even though they really dont sound the same (if that makes sense), thats what it makes me think of.
Down-Market: Most jewels and high end luxury products so [name]Amethyst[/name] or [name]Bentley[/name].
Anything with a creative spelling
Multiple middle names BUT this depends on the name! Traditionally two mn’s are typically related to a specific culture or religion and have been very popular in Europe (but other places too) which is why I think it signifies class to some but [name]Izabelle[/name] [name]Ainsley[/name] [name]Rose[/name] or [name]Bentley[/name] [name]Aidyn[/name] [name]Emmett[/name] are tacky [name]IMO[/name]. [name]Even[/name] a name like [name]Indigo[/name] [name]Penelope[/name] [name]Maeve[/name]"* is down-market for me because it seems to be trying to hard. It misses the point [name]IMO[/name], usually these names honor Godparents, grandparents or saints and arent just three great names you dont to give up or are similar to the relatives you want to honor because you dont want to actually use that person’s name. The right names though can be very pretty!
*I apologize if thats someones exact combo, Im not judging the names on their own, I havent seen this one on the boards and I just chose three popular names on here.
I do understand the [name]Annaleigh[/name] thing, which is why my favorite spelling: the Finnish [name]Annalie[/name] was dropped from my short list and eventually even [name]Annaleigh[/name] followed.
The main thing I find “down market” are the creative spellings and overly exotic or ‘spiritual’ names like the notorious [name]Nevaeh[/name] and [name]Destiny[/name] and [name]Jasmine[/name] and [name]Madisyn[/name].
So I got my feelings hurt and mostly wanted to hear my choices weren’t trashy.
I don’t think any of those three names are trashy at all, they’re really pretty.
Stripper names really are a subjective thing. It depends on the persons experience with strippers. I had the misfortune of going to a really dodgy dancer cabaret once where the girl on stage was named [name]Amethyst[/name], which I could tell right away wasn’t her real name. She looked like a [name]Megan[/name] or a [name]Kate[/name]. She’d chosen this one to make herself seeem more glamorous or exotic, and totally missed the mark. And so [name]Amethyst[/name] is now firmly in my mind as a stripper name, because of that experience. But to someone else [name]Amethyst[/name] may seem like a really pretty gem name (which it is) because they never got to see someone with that name strip down to her undies to the beat of Hollaback Girl.
lol, I don’t think [name]Lorelei[/name] or [name]Coralie[/name] are trashy at all! I think [name]Annaleigh[/name]'s “trashiness” comes from it’s “leigh” ending and maybe the fact that it has the “anal/annal” beginning.
Names that seem trashy to me are usually misspelled names… [name]Madisyn[/name], Avereigh, Ellyana, etc. I don’t know what makes them so, but some noun names seem to be very trashy/stripperish, too–[name]Crystal[/name], [name]Eden[/name], [name]Scarlett[/name], [name]Destiny[/name], [name]Jasmine[/name], etc. Some more than others (I would use [name]Eden[/name] for my own daughter, but I’ve heard others say they think it’s stripperish).
@oddcreature: your last sentence made me laugh. I think [name]Amethyst[/name] feels clunky, anyway.
@ash: I totally agree with you on [name]Eden[/name]. On one hand it does feel stripper-y but on the other, I would use it! Hmm. And for [name]Annaleigh[/name], that’s why I preferred [name]Annalie[/name], but then it looks even more “anally”. I can’t win with that one, even though I love sound.