When you think about names for your kids/future kids, which of these elements are the most important to you?
For example, I don’t care too much about the flow of the first/middle/last names together, but I do care about having ties to family, so my poll results would reflect that.
- First Name Sound
- First Name + Last Name Sound/Flow
- First Name + Middle Name + Last Name Sound/Flow
- Name Meaning
- Family Ties (of first or middle)
- Ease of Spelling/Pronunciation
- Popularity/Uniqueness
- Something Else (put it in the comments)
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I think the first name sound is probably the most important, along with how it flows with surname (so long as it doesn’t sound too awful/ridiculous). Then probably popularity and uniqueness and the meaning (but loosely - like, more what it means to me?)
[name_m]Hi[/name_m]! Currently 7 months pregnant and putting so much thought into this! First name sound was super important to us in the start of our naming process (which started before our daughter was even conceived). We both knew we wanted the “Lu” sound to be somewhere in her first name. I actually went to the advanced search here on nameberry and input girl’s names containing [name_u]Lu[/name_u]. After just a bit of searching I found [name_f]Alula[/name_f], and both of us were like that’s what we will name our firstborn daughter. The meaning of “first leap” was perfect!
Now the search for a perfect middle name has not been so easy. How her full name flows is very important to us. Her first name and last name will have 3 syllables. Meaning is another major factor. I have loved the sound of names and been turned off by the meaning. Right now our winner is [name_f]Nell[/name_f]. Short, sweet meaning of “bright, shining one”, and similar to my own middle name. Only time will tell if we change our minds yet again in the next 2 months!
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for me, it has to be something that has a nice flow, a family tie, and is something that I as the mother wouldn’t get weird looks if I had to yell it across the park
I’m interpreting Family Ties a bit broadly. For me I really want a middle name with some sort of special personal significance, not necessarily a direct family honor name, but I still put Family Ties as one of my votes because it seemed the closest and most of my middle name list does relate to family in some way.
My other two votes went to:
–Flow of first+last since those will be said together often. My current last name ryhmes with a a lot of things which could be an issue if my future kids don’t have their other parent’s last name and if the names run together too much it can make it hard for people to hear each name correctly when you say them.
–Ease of spelling/prn because I’ve enjoyed having an easy name and would like for my kids to need to explain their names as little as possible.
If I’d had a fourth vote I would have said sound of first name because of course I need to like the name, thats probably the most important thing, but I don’t have a specific sound I’m looking for so I went for my other more specific criteria instead. Honestly, almost all of these play a nearly equal part so picking out my top priorities is hard.
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For me it’s:
First name sound: Highly influences whether I actually like/love the name in the first place.
Popularity/uniqueness: Very important in deciding the names I’d actually use for a child irl, as opposed to a name I just like.
First name/surname flow: Somewhat important, since they’d likely they’d hear/see the two used together a lot.
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