The lady I babysit for just announced that she will be having her fourth in the spring, and I’m curious to see what direction they’ll go with naming it. So far, the kids all have classic names- ([name]Dorothy[/name]) [name]Grace[/name], [name]Gwendolyn[/name], and [name]James[/name]. What names do you think would fit best? I can’t think of a boy’s name, but I’m secretly vouching for [name]Susannah[/name].
I love [name]Susannah[/name].
[name]Rosemary[/name] would be nice as well - fragrant and herbal, but not trendy. [name]Rosamund[/name] is nice that way too.
For the boys’ side, [name]Henry[/name], [name]Isaac[/name], or [name]Edmund[/name] would be my favourites probably. [name]Edmund[/name] may be my favourite for bridging the very calm and “normal” [name]James[/name] to the slightly more whimsical [name]Gwendolyn[/name], because it is impeccably traditional, but not Top 50.