What names are you surprised aren't more popular?

Are there any names that you think deserve to be in the top 500 that aren’t?

I think this name has been mentioned before in regards to this question but probably Susannah she’s so classic, has a lovely sound along with a pretty floral meaning ‘Lily’ and with this spelling I think she’s really elegant. Saying this I’m not sure on her ranking in the UK but I just know that she deserves more appreciation.

On another note I would love my daughter’s name Lilia to become more popular in the UK she is within the top 500 but her name has continuous mispronunciation issues it can be so annoying. Maybe if she was a bit more common those issues would go making her name simpler for the general public :crossed_fingers:t4:


It’s funny you say [name_f]Susannah[/name_f] because right now, I’m watching a Youtuber called [name_f]Suzannah[/name_f] for the first time haha. I agree, [name_f]Susannah[/name_f] and [name_f]Lilia[/name_f] are lovely names! I hope they get more popular too!

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[name_f]Susannah[/name_f] sounds like a middle aged woman’s name to me sorry!

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[name_f]My[/name_f] daughter’s name, [name_u]Cleo[/name_u]. It’s number 885 and I’m sooo surprised it isn’t more popular.


[name_u]Cleo[/name_u] is one of my favorite girls names! Not popular at all where I live either, and I don’t understand why. Your daughter is lucky too have such a beautiful name :heart:


[name_u]Cleo[/name_u] is adorable!

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