What Names Would You Suggest That Can Be Represented With A Symbol?

Last week I read an article on this website that I found interesting and so it made me curious what additional ideas forum readers might have. The article was a response to a question a reader had posed to the “Name Sage.” It was regarding names that could have a symbol associated with them (if you wanted). Such as a girl named Luna could always have things with the moon tied to her. Or a boy named River could have water or river symbols associated to him. They wrote about bird names like Wren and flower names like Iris. I thought of Winter with symbol being a snowflake.
What other names can you think of, boy or girl, that would have a symbol related to it, just one icon say, and what would that symbol be (if not overtly obvious)? Just a fun challenge but, who knows, it could also give someone true inspiration! Thx!

You might enjoy this recent topic inspired by the same blog.


Thank you!