What People Think of a Name vs. Its Meaning

Hey ya’ll. We were recently looking through sites in search of baby name ideas and came across one that had the two of us laughing out loud!

My sister’s name is [name]Kate[/name] and we found the funniest definition yet at this site called [b]NameMemes.com[/b]. They suggested that if all the [name]Kate[/name]'s in the world ([name]Kate[/name] Beckinsdale, [name]Kate[/name] [name]Winslet[/name], [name]Kate[/name] Middleton… to name a few) came together, they would be a formidable force.

The site was helpful for us because it not only gave me the definition, but it also introduced some interesting and funny social ratings, based on user inputs. We don’t want our kid to have a “stripperish” or “pretentious” name, and this site gave us an idea what people think about a name, regardless of its formal meaning.

It was a much needed laugh! :wink: I wanted to recommend it to everyone else and see if they found anything funny like we did about [name]Kate[/name]. We love the idea of the implications of a name vs its definition.

Cheers! [name]Bobby[/name]

lol, I’m kind of really miffed at this site (namememes.com) right now because they spammed a thread I have going on another baby name site. I can understand a new site’s desire to garner a following to support itself, but I see absolutely no need for a site to spam other sites forums to get attention. Take out an ad–don’t ruin my name community’s atmosphere. :confused:

I checked it out to see if it was worth spamming my thread, and I didn’t even think it was. The information they provided wasn’t that helpful or informative, and their stripper/pretentious/gender gauge didn’t even seem that accurate to me. And if you really aren’t associated with the site, I’m sorry, but I don’t even see that definition of [name]Kate[/name] as even that funny. You can get all the information you could possibly need on a baby site with REAL and HELPFUL experts, like Nameberry or other reputable sites. It might be a fun idea for some people, but when it actually comes to naming my child, I’ll go to Nameberry, my husband, or the other site I was on when I got spammed--parentsconnect.com.

lol, if you’re really not associated with the site, sorry for ranting on your thread (especially if you really do like the site), but I hate it when people spam forums, so I’ve kind of been stewing about it all day.

[name]Chasity[/name] means stripper!!!

They also seem to be short on names in general on the site. behindthenames.com actually has users vote on their impressions of a name. Mostly though I like posting in here and getting the responses of actually people - easier to decide if impressions are regional, personal, etc.