Description of personalities:
- Oldest, confident, quirky, a bit bossy, but very motherly and loves to help her younger sisters. Has an artistic side, but is also adventurous. (18 years old)
- 2nd oldest, kind, on the quieter side, but not shy. Likes to be the teacher, loves school, up to try anything. Enjoys reading, travel, and has wild curls. (15)
- Middle child, wild, independent, rambunctious. Breaks the rules, and enjoys doing it, will say anything to get a reaction, but also is the kindest. One of those people that everyone loves, would never say anything bad about anyone. (12)
- Twin A: Shy & quiet in big groups, but silly and adventurous with the people she knows. Adores her older sisters, and copies them. Lets Twin B do most of the talking when they’re in big groups. Smart, follows the rules, is upset when people break them. Is very stubborn. (9)
- Twin B: The baby of the family. Stubborn, loves to boss everyone around. Tall for her age, confident, likes to say things that shock people. Wants everyone to like her. Likes when Twin A mimics her, doesn’t want to be apart from Twin A for any long periods of time. (9)
Looking for inspiration for my book!