What should I name this character!?

I have been having major troubles getting a name for my character of a novel I’m writing. It’s about a political family a little like the Kennedys around the 40’s. Well, I’m Trying to come up with names for the family, and I think I’ve got it set, except for one. Here’s a little mini-biography I wrote up-

He is the youngest boy and not sure what to do with his celebrity. He has lighter brown hair and blue eyes. He feels like he has a commitment to SR to go into politics since [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Jones[/name] didn’t. Does and does the most successful.

His siblings are (oldest to youngest): [name]Fitzgerald[/name] [name]Wesley[/name] [name]JR[/name], [name]Verity[/name] [name]Grace[/name], Karrington [name]Rose[/name], [name]Jones[/name] [name]Tyler[/name], [name]Seamus[/name] [name]Conrad[/name], [name]Archer[/name] [name]Donovan[/name] and [name]Mosley[/name] [name]Rhea[/name]. He is the youngest boy, so he’s the next one after [name]Archer[/name]. His parents are [name]Fitzgerald[/name] [name]Wesley[/name] SR, and [name]Rue[/name] [name]Patricia[/name]. The kids called their father SR.
I thought of Brecken, [name]Cap[/name], [name]Brigham[/name] and [name]Denver[/name] for him, but none of them seem to fit. What should I name him?
Sorry this is so long :slight_smile:

[name]How[/name] are…


Does that help?