What to do about Brien?

We want a boy middle name to honor my dad, whose name is Brien (pronounced like Brian or Bryan) but we don’t want to use the name Brien itself. His middle name is out of the question because it’s also the name of an unpopular public figure and his last name doesn’t have a nice sound to it.

One to two syllables is ideal. Can’t end in -low, -row, etc because our last name ends in that sound. Help!

What about [name_f]Brielle[/name_f]?

Great name but looking for a boy name! Updated post to include that.

I could see [name_u]Briar[/name_u] working!

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[name_m]Just[/name_m] [name_f]Bri[/name_f]?

would [name_u]Bryce[/name_u] or [name_m]Bryson[/name_m] work?


[name_u]Bernie[/name_u] or [name_m]Bernard[/name_m]

I love the suggestion of Brier/ [name_u]Briar[/name_u]


[name_m]Ian[/name_m] (last sound or Brian)
[name_m]Bruce[/name_m] (similar name)
[name_m]Brayan[/name_m] (spanish version)

Could also do something a little more obscure like something relatibg to the meaning of the name:

[name_m]Ken[/name_m] or [name_m]Kenji[/name_m]

Names made by using the letters of [name_m]Brien[/name_m]:


Some that are similar in sound:

[name_m]Bastien[/name_m] (can be pronounced with 2 syllables)

Alternatively, you could use any B- name and then a name beginning with his middle initial? (so let’s say his middle begins with D, you could do [name_u]Beckett[/name_u] Daniel)

I like the Br- names [name_m]Breccan[/name_m] and [name_m]Bryer[/name_m] myself!
There’s also [name_m]Brandon[/name_m] and [name_u]Ryan[/name_u] which could work?

Why do you not want to use Brien?? [name_m]Just[/name_m] curious.