Hi everyone!
I really love the name Jill , but I feel most would consider it to be in middle age to old lady territory. I personally disagree, so I would love to hear what you guys imagine a teenager or young adult that went by Jill to be like!
Thanks again
Caring, hardworking and sensible, but confident, energetic and creative too - sort of like a grounded free-spirt (if that makes any sense)
when I think of a young [name_f]Jill[/name_f], I think of the character from the show It’s a Sin - and then it seems easy to imagine on a young adult
I’d imagine a young adult [name_f]Jill[/name_f] to be very self-assured and spunky, with her hair always up in a ponytail!! She’s never afraid to jump into group discussions and is a bit of a planner rather than liking to go with the flow. I imagine [name_f]Jill[/name_f] would like to wear earthy colors with a little bit of nature-y color pop (specifically marigold and raspberry), and can often be found in athleisure to go on hikes!!
You’ve made me see [name_f]Jill[/name_f] in this really fabulous light she’s so joyous!
I imagine a young [name_f]Jill[/name_f] being outdoorsy, calming individual who prefers the company off animals over people. I picture her living in a farm somewhere on the outskirts of a rural coastal town like Ballymena.
[name_f]Love[/name_f] this!!
Also, I’m glad I’ve been able to make you see her in a good light! Something I love about NB is that when we share our favourite names it’s oftentime infectious and other people begin to love them too because of our enthusiasm for them.
Ahhh yay glad you enjoyed your response and honestly this is another reason why I love NB it’s so fun seeing other berries love your favourites!
I picture a young [name_f]Jill[/name_f] somewhat similar to [name_f]Phoebe[/name_f] from friends (not as eccentric as [name_f]Phoebe[/name_f] is though)
I picture a girl who’s earthy. She doesn’t care if she gets mud on her clothes when she’s out for a walk, and she doesn’t care what everyone else thinks or expects of her. She’s very relaxed, good hearted, empathetic, mellow and over all easy to talk to / get along with
A more energetic / outgoing [name_f]Jill[/name_f] I can see going by [name_f]Jilly[/name_f] as a nickname
Overall I don’t think [name_f]Jill[/name_f] is a bad name at all and I definitely don’t associate it as an old name either (even [name_m]Jack[/name_m] and [name_f]Jill[/name_f] were kids when they went up the hill)
I have a friend named [name_f]Jillian[/name_f] that goes by [name_f]Jill[/name_f] and she will be 37 years old next month
[name_f]Jill[/name_f] is incredibly sweet! It makes me think of a rather shy person who really opens up and is goofy with her close friends!
Thank you! That’s quite similar to what I imagined so it’s nice to hear someone else think that too
Interesting! Thank you - I can see this as well
I love [name_f]Jill[/name_f]!
Kind, natural, friendly, lighthearted, classy