What would you name Archer's brother?

See the results of this poll: What would you name Archer’s brother?

Respondents: 62 (This poll is closed)

  • August : 5 (8%)
  • Beau : 6 (10%)
  • Ewan : 4 (6%)
  • Finn : 13 (21%)
  • Hugo : 9 (15%)
  • Jack : 7 (11%)
  • Leo : 3 (5%)
  • Max : 3 (5%)
  • Owen : 7 (11%)
  • Theo: 5 (8%)

I really like [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Beau[/name], however, there is the issue that archers use bows to shoot arrows… Maybe once someone makes that connection, it sounds a bit silly. Still, I also like [name]Hugo[/name] and [name]Jack[/name], but [name]Beau[/name] is my favourite.

We considered [name]Archer[/name] for our youngest, and I was going to try out the nickname [name]Bo[/name], so [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Beau[/name] seem silly together, to me, given the meaning of [name]Archer[/name].

I voted for [name]Jack[/name], but like [name]Max[/name] and possibly [name]Owen[/name] with it too. [name]Jack[/name] and [name]Archer[/name] seems perfect to me, both very strong, solid, masculine names.

I voted for [name]Owen[/name]. [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Owen[/name] or [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Finn[/name] would be perfect. [name]Owen[/name] and [name]Finn[/name] match [name]Archer[/name]'s adventurous, all-boy feel. I hear [name]Owen[/name], [name]Finn[/name], and [name]Archer[/name] together and imagine three energetic, imaginative boys who play outside all day and go on many imaginary adventures together.

What an amazing answer! This is so how I imagine my future lil boy(s) to be, thank you.

And yes tencentwings, I know the [name]Beau[/name] vs [name]Bow[/name] thing is silly. I’m just so in love with [name]Beau[/name]! (Not as much as with [name]Archer[/name], though.) Thank you for your reply!

emmy141, [name]Beau[/name] is probably my favorite too, I just don’t know if I could use both. They won’t live together forever! :slight_smile:

Definately [name]Max[/name]. They fit very well together.

I’m surprised at the lack of love for [name]Theo[/name], I thought he’d be a popular vote!

I vote [name]Theo[/name]! I have a little [name]Theo[/name], and it was difficult to decide between [name]Theo[/name] and [name]Archer[/name], I think they would make a great pair!!

1 [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Leo[/name]
2 [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Theo[/name]
3 [name]Archer[/name] and [name]Finn[/name]

I knew [name]Finn[/name] would get a lot of love. :slight_smile: Thanks everyone!

I love [name]Archer[/name] & [name]Beau[/name] together, as well as [name]Archer[/name] & [name]Max[/name] (would prefer [name]Maxwell[/name]).

I just want to say, I could have written your list of boys names. My son, [name]Owen[/name], was almost named [name]Beau[/name] or [name]Finn[/name] (I caved to family influence, but it worked out in the end because he’s totally an [name]Owen[/name].) I’m not having any more babies, but [name]August[/name] is my current obsession, so that’s what I voted for. I also adore [name]Leo[/name], [name]Theo[/name], and [name]Max[/name]. You have great taste!

I think it’d sound better with names that aren’t quite so short. You got too many 3-4 letter names on the list there, and the only longer one ([name]August[/name]) doesn’t really work with [name]Archer[/name]. Of the ones on the list, definitely [name]Finn[/name], but I’d much prefer [name]Phineas[/name] (sp?) or [name]Finley[/name] or even [name]Flynn[/name]. [name]Archer[/name] makes me think of a medieval bowman, so I’d like to see some other names that have a somewhat of a medieval feel to it.

What would you suggest javad?

Littlebrownpony- I love [name]Owen[/name] [name]McCabe[/name]! That’s been a tough one for me to find a middle for, a lot of our family names I’d like to use in the middle end in N.
[name]Benjamin[/name], [name]Donovan[/name], [name]Jackson[/name], etc. [name]Finn[/name] has also been hard. Thanks for your comment!