What would you name Kate and Will's baby?

I’m anxiously awaiting the arrival of the royal baby purely for the name. So, my question is, what would you name the royal baby? Something purely classic like [name]Eleanor[/name]? Or classic and on-trend like [name]Charlotte[/name]? I hope they use [name]Diana[/name] in the middle spot- how sweet would that be?! Anyways, I’ll be patiently waiting for [name]Kate[/name]'s due date, but until then, lets collaborate royal baby names!!

I think a lot of the speculation I’ve heard so far will be spot on. For a royal couple like [name]Will[/name] and [name]Kate[/name] it’s not going to be as easy as “Oh, we really love [name]Emmeline[/name] and it’s not been used in the family before.” Would a [name]Princess[/name] [name]Emmeline[/name] be adorable? You’d better believe it, and I would love to see a little [name]Princess[/name] [name]Emmeline[/name], but I honestly don’t think it will happen. Not for their first baby. I’ve seen lists of what names will likely be used, and I would almost bet the baby’s name will be on that list. I would love to see a little [name]Prince[/name] [name]Charles[/name]/[name]Charlie[/name], [name]Princess[/name] [name]Emmeline[/name]/[name]Princess[/name] [name]Arabella[/name], but I know none of those will really happen, especially with [name]Charles[/name] already being around. From some of the lists I’d seen, I would love to see them use [name]Helena[/name] or [name]Charlotte[/name] for a girl, or [name]Frederick[/name] or [name]Leopold[/name] for a boy.

I would be surprised if they had a girl and didn’t name her [name]Diana[/name].

I’ve been highly anticipating this baby’s name as well. [name]Aren[/name]'t there unspoken naming conventions they need to follow, though? Like using certain family names or something like that? Does anyone know? I thought I heard something about that.

I’m the same way - I can’t wait purely because I want to see the name! I would go with [name]Cordelia[/name] [name]June[/name] [name]Eloise[/name] for a girl and [name]Adrian[/name] [name]Miles[/name] [name]Peter[/name] for a boy.

“The accession rules were recently changed and so the first child of either gender will ascend the throne,” Satran explains, so “the royal baby name will more closely adhere to protocol, which dictates a name previously used by British royalty as well as one with positive connotations: no unlucky choices (sorry, [name]John[/name]) or inharmonious history (bye bye, [name]Diana[/name], at least as a first name).”

I grabbed this quote from The [name]Huffington[/name] Post. Our very own [name]Pam[/name] was featured explaining royal baby name protocol!

I’m a huge royalist so I’m totally looking forward to a new royal baby! :slight_smile: Given the names they can realistically use, I would love to see something like [name]Victoria[/name] [name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Diana[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] or [name]Victoria[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Diana[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] for a girl. Something from a historical royal like [name]Eleanor[/name], [name]Adelaide[/name], [name]Helena[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name] or [name]Caroline[/name] would be interesting. I’m not particularly fond of most “royal” boys’ names but would love [name]Arthur[/name], [name]Edward[/name] and/or [name]William[/name]. I doubt it’ll happen but I’ve been liking [name]Alfred[/name] lately too.

Matilda. As I mentioned in the ‘royal baby’-thread, Empress Matilda was the first female ruler of England (though she was never crowned Queen and merely was called ‘Lady of the English’). It would be nice to honour her considering that she never really was a Queen, and the name is modern again, so they could keep in style with time.

For secondary names (since technically, royals don’t have middle names), I hope they’ll stir clear of Diana references. Not that I have the slightest thing against her, just that I’m not fond of any of her names (neither Diana nor Frances, though Frances is the lesser of two evils). I’d love to see the Princess Royal honoured as well as Caroline being used (as a more regal version of Catherine’s mothers name, Carole). Another namesake could be Alexandra (for Queen Alexandra, wife of Edward VII), Mary (for Queen Mary, wife of George V), Marina (for Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark, wife of George, the Duke of Kent), Alice (for Princess Alice of Battenberg, mother of the Duke of Edinburgh), Philippa (for the Duke of Edinburgh and Philippa Middleton) and Margaret (for Princess Margaret).

Overall, I think I would name a future Queen of the United Kingdom: Matilda Caroline Margaret Anne or Matilda Caroline Alexandra Mary, can’t decide between the two.

Other names: Alexandra Elizabeth Margaret Rose (it would be such a lovely tribute to Princess Margaret to use both of her beautiful names), Alice Marina Caroline Victoria, Victoria Elizabeth Philippa Mary, Anne Philippa Elizabeth Matilda or Mary Alexandra Caroline Alice.

What I think a little Princess will be called: Matilda Caroline Frances Elizabeth or Eleanor Caroline Philippa Elizabeth.

As a secondary name, perhaps. As a first name? Nope, strongly doubt that’s gonna happen (a girl will be the Queen of England once for god’s sake, Queen Diana isn’t very regal, and naming a girl Diana would further increase the comparisons between Diana and her granddaughter which just wouldn’t be fair to the girl).

I really wish it could have been [name]Diana[/name]! :frowning:

I like the suggestions of [name]Victoria[/name] and [name]Alice[/name] as PPs said. I also think something like [name]Eloise[/name], [name]Margaret[/name] or [name]Caroline[/name] (also mentioned above) would be good choices for a little princess!

[name]Dianna[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name] is my prediction. If it were up to me, I would choose [name]Victoria[/name], though.

Another vote for [name]Victoria[/name]. If it’s a boy, maybe [name]George[/name].

[name]George[/name] for a boy; I’d love to see it make a comeback.

This baby will be the next [name]Queen[/name] (if it’s a girl), so her name will be very serious and steeped in history. They will definitely not choose [name]Diana[/name], not even for a middle name! Maybe if they have another daughter, [name]Diana[/name] will be one of her middle names. Maybe. I think the strongest possibility for a first name is [name]Victoria[/name]. Possibilities for middles include: [name]Adelaide[/name], [name]Alexandra[/name], [name]Alice[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Eleanor[/name], [name]Elizabeth[/name], [name]Helena[/name] and [name]Josephine[/name]. My personal guess?

[name]Victoria[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]

And what a gorgeous name it is, too!

For a boy…again, serious, steeped in history, they will choose names only of former Kings! First name? [name]George[/name]. Middles? [name]Albert[/name], [name]Arthur[/name], [name]Charles[/name], [name]Louis[/name], [name]Philip[/name]…

They will name their son: [name]George[/name] [name]Arthur[/name] [name]Philip[/name] [name]Charles[/name]

Naming within the limits of [name]Royal[/name] protocol: My first choice for the new royal princess would be [name]Matilda[/name] (though as the mummy of a [name]Matilda[/name] I am a) Biased :slight_smile: and b) sincerely hope they don’t as i think whatever name they choose will skyrocket in popularity not only in the UK but elsewhere!!) However I think its the perfect way to be modern within the bounds of [name]Royal[/name] protocol and it is safe yet a little unexpected. [name]How[/name] adorable would [name]Princess[/name] [name]Tilly[/name] be :slight_smile:

I would also [name]LOVE[/name] to see a [name]Queen[/name] [name]Adelaide[/name]!..such a goregous regal name! [name]Alice[/name] is gorgeous…that would be third choice and it would also be nice to honour [name]Carol[/name] (kates Mum) and [name]Prince[/name] [name]Charles[/name] in the middle with [name]Charlotte[/name] and [name]Caroline[/name].

having said that how cute would it be to have a [name]Princess[/name] [name]Hattie[/name] ([name]Henrietta[/name] or [name]Harriet[/name]…not sure if this would be within protocol especially with [name]Harriet[/name]) to honour [name]Prince[/name] [name]Harry[/name] (my favourite [name]Royal[/name] and the long line of henrys that have gone before) or [name]Pippa[/name] ([name]Phillipa[/name] after Kates sister and also a tribute to [name]Prince[/name] [name]Phillip[/name]!) Can they use feminizations of the names of past [name]Male[/name] Royals?

I personally [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]…and princess [name]Eliza[/name] would be sweet but in a sense its just SO safe and predictable in this case it would be boring…i would not get any joy or suprise upon hearing they had named her [name]Elizabeth[/name] or [name]Victoria[/name] for that matter!!

I would call her [name]Matilda[/name] [name]Victoria[/name] [name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Adelaide[/name]/[name]Matilda[/name] [name]Victoria[/name] [name]Caroline[/name] [name]Adelaide[/name] but I think sarahmezz is right they will go with a safer choice as she will be the next [name]Queen[/name] of [name]England[/name]!

I read that article too. I could see a combination including pretty much what everyone else has already mentioned: [name]Elizabeth[/name], [name]Diana[/name], [name]Philippa[/name], [name]Charlotte[/name], [name]Caroline[/name], [name]Catherine[/name].

[name]Josephine[/name] or [name]Sienna[/name] would be nice. Middle name has to be [name]Diana[/name]. I think [name]Charles[/name] would be lovely for a little boy but I’m not entirely sure.

Definitely [name]Caroline[/name]. It’s traditionally royal and has connections to both sides of the family. [name]Catherine[/name]'s mother’s name is [name]Carole[/name], while [name]Caroline[/name] is also the feminine form of [name]Charles[/name].

I think they definitely will use [name]Diana[/name] in the middle spot. I could honestly see something like [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Diana[/name]. Or I could see her do [name]Victoria[/name] [name]Diana[/name]. I also know [name]Kate[/name] is really fond of [name]Grace[/name] [name]Kelly[/name], as she used [name]Grace[/name] [name]Kelly[/name]'s wedding dress for inspiration of her own. So I could see her possibly use [name]Grace[/name] somewhere in the name.