I’m not sure if anyone has done a post like this before, but based on your name and your current siblings names what name do you think would fit best if your parents had another child after you (if you’re the youngest/only child) or after the youngest in your family. [name]Even[/name] if you already know what your parents would have named another child, based on the style of the names and such what name do you think would be best? You can do it for a boy and a girl. Also feel free to add what names you would have named the additional child, but still try to stick somewhat with the style.
I’m [name]Jennifer[/name] ([name]Jenn[/name]) my sister is [name]Julie[/name]. [name]Both[/name] middle names are [name]Marie[/name] (also my mom’s MN). My parents seemed to pick names that were pretty popular a decade or two before we were born. That being said if my parents had another child a few years after I was born I would name them,
Boy: [name]Jason[/name] [name]Paul[/name] ([name]Jay[/name]) [[name]Paul[/name] is also my dad’s MN]
Girl: [name]Jessica[/name] [name]Marie[/name] ([name]Jess[/name])
Sticking with the traditional J name theme and parent’s middle name as the middle I would choose:
Siblings’ names:
[name]Timothy[/name] [name]Warren[/name]
[name]Kathleen[/name] [name]Elizabeth[/name]
Chuka [name]Susan[/name] (me) but originally I was [name]Deborah[/name] [name]Sue[/name]
new brother: [name]Mark[/name] [name]Andrew[/name]
new sister [name]Julia[/name] [name]Rachel[/name]
All of our MN are honoring. If there are had been one more they probably would have been named:
Girl: [name]Lillian[/name] [name]Pearl[/name]
Boy: [name]Brock[/name] [name]Grady[/name]
My middle and my brothers’ full names are honoring (an [name]Antonio[/name], [name]Lawrence[/name], [name]Mae[/name], [name]Vincenzo[/name] and [name]Alberta[/name]). So, if I were my parents, I would add:
[name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Mae[/name], [name]Antonio[/name] [name]Lorenzo[/name], [name]Vincenzo[/name] [name]Alberto[/name] and [name]Ariana[/name] [name]Shirley[/name] ([name]Shirley[/name] after grandma)
[name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Mae[/name], [name]Antonio[/name] [name]Lorenzo[/name], [name]Vincenzo[/name] [name]Alberto[/name] and [name]Dominic[/name] [name]Rhett[/name] (after grandma [name]Lauretta[/name])
If I were an only child, I would maybe go with:
[name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Mae[/name] and [name]Emily[/name] [name]Clara[/name] ([name]Clara[/name] after great grandma)
[name]Alexandra[/name] [name]Mae[/name] and [name]Sebastian[/name] [name]Rhett[/name] ([name]Rhett[/name] after grandma [name]Lauretta[/name])
My mom has mentioned liking [name]Jocelyn[/name], [name]Kyla[/name], [name]Samantha[/name], [name]Sebastian[/name], [name]Genevieve[/name].
My parents have really eclectic taste in first names, I guess. I think they just went with what they liked at the time. All our middle names honor close relatives. I have absolutely no idea what other names they even liked (or like today) but I’m guessing probably a short and not very popular first name for boys, and feminine-sounding names for girls. I’d pick:
Boy: [name]Graham[/name] [name]Robert[/name] (mn is my deceased uncle’s mn)
Girl: [name]Allison[/name] [name]Marie[/name] (mn after my grandmother)
Honestly, I like my siblings’ names, but I don’t feel like they really go together. I think my brother and I do, and maybe [name]Tara[/name] along with us, but [name]Evelyn[/name] seems out of place. But I’m pretty sure they almost named her [name]Heather[/name].
New Girl:
[name]Alice[/name] [name]June[/name] (for my mom’s love of classic names and J sounds. and I wanted to named [name]Julianna[/name] "[name]Alice[/name])
Well, I have a half sister named [name]Melissa[/name] [name]Anne[/name], and I’m [name]Lily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name]. However, she was named by her mother, I was named just by my mother, and if another child were to come it’d be named by my mother and step-dad. Therefore, I think I’ll do one as if I was an only child.
[name]Lily[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] and
Boy: [name]Sebastian[/name] (My dad’s favorite boys name. I think my mom would go for it.)
Girl: [name]Ariadne[/name] (My dad was a Classics major and my mom loves mythology. I know she likes this name.)
If I got to choose:
Girl: [name]Tamsin[/name] (I know my mom likes this, but I think my dad might be less willing to choose it.)
Boy: [name]Simon[/name] (Keeping with the British-sounding names, but simpler than [name]Sebastian[/name].)
My name: [name]Isabella[/name]
Real sisters: Jara, [name]Aoife[/name], and [name]Megan[/name] is coming along soon.
Fake sis: [name]Elizabeth[/name]
Fake bro: [name]Alexander[/name]
My name is [name]Hannah[/name] [name]Brielle[/name]
My older brother’s name is [name]Joseph[/name] [name]Conrad[/name], NN JC
We both have biblical first names that are extremely popular, and our middle names are more unusual and are family names or honor family in some way. Also,all girls in my family have a middle name that start with the letter B, and the middle name would be my choice anyway, as per tradition of letting the next youngest child pick the new baby’s middle name.
Girl: [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Bryony[/name], NN [name]Libby[/name] ([name]Bryony[/name] to honor a cousin [name]Brian[/name]) JC, [name]Hannah[/name] and [name]Libby[/name]
Boy: [name]Elijah[/name] [name]Campbell[/name], NN [name]Eli[/name] (my late grandfather’s middle name, his mother’s maiden name) JC, [name]Hannah[/name], and [name]Eli[/name]
My parents went for lyrical, feminine names starting with vowels. They gave me a very unusual name and then backed off for my sister because I think it was kind of a pain. [name]Little[/name] did they know in the middle of the 80s just how popular [name]Emily[/name] would become. The middle names are family names but also pretty boring, so…
Girl: [name]Olivia[/name] [name]Jean[/name]
For a boy, I happen to know that we would have been [name]Carl[/name] and [name]Gregory[/name], which are ugly to me but good, traditional boys’ names nonetheless. Unlike their girl picks, though, both have actually gone down in usage. I assume they would have used a family name for this middle too.
All of our names, I’ve regarded as rather popular for the years we were born; [name]Ben[/name]'s being the most popular. So, if I were to have the ability to name a new sibling, I’d stay with that theme, naturally. [name]Both[/name] mine and [name]Jason[/name]'s middle names are honoring somebody, but [name]Benjamin[/name]'s was just because it sounded right. So for the sake of symmetry, I wouldn’t name the new sibling after anyone, if that makes sense.
For girl”s I would go with [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Ruby[/name].
[name]Elizabeth[/name], keeping with theme, and [name]Ruby[/name] matching up with my own middle name, [name]Pearl[/name].
For boy”s, I would go with [name]Samuel[/name] [name]Joseph[/name].
[name]Samuel[/name], because of the one syllable nickname, [name]Sam[/name], that goes with [name]Jay[/name] and [name]Ben[/name], being one syllable and 3 letters. I would use [name]Joseph[/name] as a middle, just because it sounds right. : )