What would you think?

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Not answering everything, cause I’m not that judgmental about names even if I try…

I see your “snob” concern, but [name]Estee[/name] isn’t quite the same as [name]Armani[/name] or [name]Porsche[/name]. It’s the sort of name I would love but be worried about using myself… which is why I’d love seeing it on someone else.

Likewise, there are names here I don’t like at all on their own ([name]Claudie[/name], [name]Thea[/name]), but together…

I’m not usually too concerned about sibling matching, but this is one set that works together much better than independently.

I won’t automatically say a name is pretty just to be nice. In this case, I do have an image of them: dark, round-faced, leaning toward chubby and probably staying that way.

Because you set me up for this, I’ll say they sound like the products of trying hard to sound classy. I wouldn’t know whether to expect actual upper class or lower class trying to sound better off.