[name]Erin[/name], I’m sorry your feelings have been hurt. I’m certain [name]Lynsday[/name], [name]Lola[/name], and I weren’t referring to you, but rather to the unfortunate behavior recent new posters have been displaying. Nameberry has always been a peaceful, classy, tranquil place, and that tranquility has recently taken a beating. It’s been rather unsettling, to say the least.
[name]Do[/name] you recall the rude teenager you wonderfully posted to the other day? Well, that’s just one example. Until recently, no poster has ever required disciplinary action, and it’s just sad. (And thank you for what you said. [name]Lola[/name], you, too.) Also, this site has historically been free of confrontation. Those types of rude posts are seen on other boards, but not Nameberry, and it was pretty shocking to see it here.
Like [name]Lola[/name] (and I’m sure, [name]Lyndsay[/name]), I’m always open to new posters (just as the regular posters welcomed me when I began posting), and I think it’s wonderful to have new blood. What I don’t find wonderful, are confrontational, rude, or immature people, as they really drag down the site and its posters.
Granted, a post like this one has the potential to be hurtful (and was, unfortunately, hurtful to you), but in this case, I think it’s important that [name]Lynsday[/name] brought out into the open what many longtime posters were undoubtedly thinking. I think it’s important that potentially confontational posters understand that this board is not like the rest, and that they don’t have a license to be rude or to disrupt the peace. If this thread didn’t serve as a message for such posters, I wouldn’t have contributed to it.
As far as I know, this board doesn’t have rules for conduct (or moderators), and it’s sad that such formalities now have an immediate relevance. Like you, people who wouldn’t dream of posting anywhere else post here, but the recent behavior displayed puts a damper on things, and may cause people to think twice.
You have been lovely, [name]Erin[/name], and Nameberry is lucky to have you. I (and everyone else) look forward to hearing your favorite names!