A lot of what’s already been said-except I don’t care about length-my first and middle name are long-and it’s never bothered me.
I’ll just add-
initials have to check out-no BM, BS–our last name begins with “W” and we almost named a potential son [name]Jack[/name] [name]Edward[/name]…yeah-J.E.W. hahahaha.
nothing too easy to make sexual for girls. i can’t remember what the name was=but a guy friend made a girl name we were thinking about-sexual. It was sooo easy-so, that was a no-no. I asked him to.
Nothing that looks has letters that look-remotely like an ‘ugly’ word. Our daughter’s middle name is [name]Annalise[/name]. Which could have been spelled [name]Analise[/name]-but “anal” was too visible.
Nothing too common-i loved, loved, loved isabella-or any of the isabel type of names-but no way would i do that to my kid. Same with [name]Sophie[/name]. Though, my first name is [name]Christina[/name], nn:[name]Christy[/name] which every fifth girl in my school had-and never-not one time-did it bother me : )
It has to sound a professional name. I have to be able to imagine them using their name as a C.E.O. Because a C.E.O. name can be used as an artist’s name-but not the other way. [name]Cate[/name] can be either. [name]Piper[/name] (to me-and seriously, what do I know-) isn’t a C.E.O. name.
It cannot sound too southern.
It cannot be a weird spelling.
It has to be a unique traditional name to go with our other two children’s names. ([name]Catherine[/name], [name]Primrose[/name]…)
No ex’s.
Has to sound smart.
Cannot sound like we were high when we named them. No “[name]Sunshine[/name],” “[name]Heaven[/name]…”
It has to be able to be an adult name. My cousin’s name is [name]Johnny[/name]-and it just seems so little kid to me now that he’s an adult. Also, I went by [name]Christina[/name] instead of [name]Christy[/name] when I started college.
ETA-Can’t be of an ethnicity that is obviously not ours. I had a friend in college-who had blond hair and blue eyes named “[name]Juan[/name].” (Because his mother gave birth to him in Mexico and the nurses called him “baby one…” )He HATED being called that so much that he changed his name.