This is not a name for anybody, its just a name that i made up and i just want to know your thoughts on it its pronounced “Anne-Doe-Vay”
I think it’s a little hard to say but if you find the right middle name it could be cute
I don’t like the spelling - you are using an é pronounced the [name_u]French[/name_u] way, but the way the rest of the name is pronounced wouldn’t make sense in [name_u]French[/name_u], so it just feels messy to me. But with a different spelling, the sound could be quite pretty! I like the options of [name_f]Annie[/name_f] and [name_u]Dove[/name_u] as nicknames
Well yeah that’s the idea its supposed to be pronounced as if it was an actual french name but i guess you could call it a faux french name (like JonBenét)
Yes, what I’m saying is that Andoevé in [name_u]French[/name_u] wouldn’t be “Anne-Doe-Vay” like you described. I’d spell it Andové / Andovée / Andovét to get that sound!
I only spelled that way so it can be pronounced as “ann-doe/dough-vay”
I like the other spellings otherwise it looks like ann-doe-eve.
It looks like the name of a perfume
Lol Ok
In look and sound it makes me think of anchovy!
It has flair and distinction!
I’m [name_u]French[/name_u] and I did not know how to pronounce the name when I read it. I would go with Anne-Dové or Anne-Dovée.
that pronunciation doesn’t make sense with that spelling for me !! i want to say an-dwe-veh/an-doe-eh-veh, because the pronunciation conventions in which you can have é as ‘ay’ and the conventions in which you can have oe as ‘owe’ are different ! therefore, i’d go for andové or even anne-dovée for that pronunciation. while i don’t find it aesthetically especially pleasing, if spelt differently (my favourite is anne-dovée) i think it’s actually very sweet and lovely. it sounds a bit like dovie, a name i love.
oh wow ok maybe i should of spelled it “Andoevet” but lots of names aren’t pronounced how they are spelled [name_u]Sean[/name_u], [name_m]Louis[/name_m] and [name_f]Ciara[/name_f] are major examples
you’re actually illustrating my point quite well !! sean and ciara might not be pronounced as they appear in the english pronunciation convention, but they are pronounced following the rules of irish, from which they come. louis, similarly, follows the rules of french. the trouble with andoevé is that it doesn’t follow any set pronunciation convention. this isn’t just because it’s invented: take “asménie” for example, i name that im pretty sure i just made up on the spot. i don’t have problems pronouncing that (i’m saying az-mey-nee) because it follows the rules of french, on which i’ve modelled it. i would be very confused to discover it was pronounced differently (for example, AZ-muh-nye) as that doesn’t follow any established set of rules.
hmm that’s very interesting but if im being honest i don’t think names followed a constant guide line and it’s manly up to whoever the person wants to pronounced their name as.
Since you’re asking for our personal thoughts… i like this name, in theory. However, as a [name_u]French[/name_u] and [name_f]English[/name_f] speaker, I find the first ‘e’ confusing. It looks like it should be “anne-doe-eh-vay,” in both of these languages. I’d personally have a better time getting behind the spelling Andové or Andovée for clarity, for the pronunciation you’re using! In sound… I also think of ‘anchovy.’
I would just use Andovée or Anne-Dovée.
Andoevé I would read it as “Anne-Doh-Eh-Vay” // an-doe-eh-veh
The middle E is confusing.