Me and my partner have vastly different tastes in baby names. He hates my favourites and I hate his. We are also both very opinionated about our naming choices. Unless we find new names that we both absolutely love we are facing the likelihood that we will have to settle for something we both just feel ok with but have no feelings for whatsoever. Mediocre choices. It doesn’t feel great. Here are some mediocrity for you;
[name_f]Beautiful[/name_f] names but just doesn’t hit the spot. Advice please?
maybe one of you could choose their first name and the other could choose their middle name?
or, you could find a full name that one of you likes, with a nickname that the other likes.
What is his style and what is your style? Is there any overlap at all? Maybe users on here could help suggest names that fit into both styles if we knew what they were.
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He likes names like
According to be these names are dusty jazz names.
I like names like
Romantic and unusual, common in Scandinavia. Rooted in nature.
I can only suggest one partner picking the first nane and the other picking the middle(s). If I had this situation with an SO I would just let him have the middle spot.
It doesn’t sit right with me that you use a name that you don’t love or feel is special. Wouldn’t be a great feeling for future kid either.
[name_m]Even[/name_m] a “mediocre” nice name would be beautiful on a real baby so at least theres that
With two opinionated people that is never going to happen. The person who gets to just pick the middle name will be pissed off forever and there could be confusion in what the kid’s actual first name is when one parent will call him [name_m]Viggo[/name_m] and the other [name_m]Jarvis[/name_m]. No, boring compromise is the only way, I’m afraid.
There’s a name out there you will both find and love! I just know it! Based off names you both like…maybe some of these will be of interest:
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I don’t think this is the way to go. [name_f]Imagine[/name_f] being the parent who strongly dislikes their child’s first name that everyone knows them by? It would be one thing if one parent just didn’t care all that much but when you have two parents who really care but have vastly different styles, it’s unlikely that whoever picks the first will just happen to pick a name the other is okay with.
‘I would just let him have the middle spot’ works well for you because you get the most important name, I doubt it works so well for him!
I have a name my dad doesn’t like because my mother picked it (sort of like you’re suggesting here) and that was a weirder feeling than my parents just compromising on a name like they have to compromise on everything else, honestly. Either way, there’s not a perfect solution here and that’s coming from someone with very different naming styles to their SO.
Some name thoughts to run by each other:
[name_u]Florence[/name_u] / [name_f]Flora[/name_f]
Thank you,
I like [name_u]Roscoe[/name_u], [name_m]Abner[/name_m], [name_m]Aldo[/name_m] and [name_f]Elvira[/name_f]. I think my partner has [name_f]Elvira[/name_f] on his list. I like the nn [name_f]Elvie[/name_f].
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Jazrael nn [name_u]Jazz[/name_u] - reminiscent of [name_f]Jasmine[/name_f]
[name_f]Sibyl[/name_f] / [name_f]Sybil[/name_f]
[name_f]Lillian[/name_f] / [name_f]Lilia[/name_f]
[name_f]Leora[/name_f] / [name_f]Leona[/name_f]
[name_f]Carine[/name_f] / [name_f]Carina[/name_f]
[name_f]Roxanne[/name_f] / [name_f]Roxana[/name_f]
[name_m]Maxence[/name_m] / [name_m]Maxim[/name_m]
[name_m]Monty[/name_m] / [name_u]Montgomery[/name_u]
[name_m]Leonard[/name_m] / [name_m]Leopold[/name_m] / [name_m]Leonardo[/name_m]
[name_u]Devon[/name_u] / [name_m]Levon[/name_m]
[name_u]Vale[/name_u] / [name_u]Gale[/name_u] / [name_u]Dale[/name_u] / [name_u]Hale[/name_u]
Sorry for any repeats here
You seem to like (from what I can see) very flowy and light names, and he seems to like the more old style cowboy names. Maybe you would like
And another compromise suggestion, why don’t one of you pick a name and the other partner pick a nickname they like? [name_f]My[/name_f] parents did that, my mother calls me my nickname and my father calls me by my full double barrel name.
I think Dante and Winona are absolutely phenomenal names! I’d be thrilled to be named, or meet someone by one of those two names.
I love the idea of Elvira nn Elvie or Elva. I feel like that’s a good compromise, a full name one parent loves with a nickname the other parent loves. Roscoe nn Ross or Russ? Aldo nn Al. Andon | Donall | Lindon | Odon nn Donny. Alvina nn Alva. Evelina nn Elva.
A double barrel or hyphenated name is another idea. Heather-Eowyn or Viggo Rudy. Something like that.
One name that I feel fits both the “dusty jazz” and “romantic Scandanavia” is Sigmund or Zigmund.
Or maybe
Selma | Zelma
Minna | Milla
Ivan | Ivar
Cyril | Cyrus
[name_m]Dante[/name_m] and [name_f]Winona[/name_f] aren’t boring!
I’d say keep searching
Some ideas based on your lists
[name_m]Perseus[/name_m] “Percy”
I know what you mean. I have the same problem. I think you can warm up to a name you maybe didn’t know you could like though. Try imagining a child with one of his names for awhile and try having him to do the same with one of your names and regroup in a couple weeks. See where things settle. But the first and middle name, one picks one doesn’t work unless one of you is really okay with the middle spot. I would personally be okay with a name I really love being in the middle if my husband absolutely refuses it for the first. At least I got to use it in some capacity. But I’d have to at least warm up to the first name chosen and start to like it. You can’t use a first name one of you really wants to puke at. And mediocrity is the same to me as not liking a name. If you’re like meh its just okay then its not the right choice. I can see you not getting your favorite name and having to go back to the drawing board but it should at least be a name you both are fond of! [name_f]Welcome[/name_f] to naming a baby with someone though. I find it funny we have these dream lists of names but when it comes to actually naming a real child with someone you do have to compromise. I think its rare or lucky if your partner just let’s you choose the name or goes along with your list without his or her own opinions. I definitely don’t have that. We had to dig deep to come up with [name_u]Elliott[/name_u] [name_u]Reese[/name_u] and honestly it wasn’t on my list and I didn’t know if I liked it for awhile. But after he was born, it suited him perfectly!! I love it now!