When did your children move into their own bedrooms?

[name_f]Ama[/name_f] is coming up for a year and a half, and she still sleeps in my room overnight (but not for her naps).

I’ve been getting a lot of comments recently about how I should really be moving her fully into her own room. In fact, my grandmother has never understood why I let her sleep in my room at all. She’s been with me for over a year now, and everybody seems to think I’m spoiling her, and it will only get harder to move her out.

I’m curious as to what age other people moved their children into their own bedrooms? Am I really that strange to still have her in my room?

You are not strange. We moved [name_f]Isla[/name_f] to her own room right around her second birthday, so we moved her in there at the end of [name_u]November[/name_u] 2016.

This new little one will stay with us in our bedroom for a year, maybe a little more depending on when her bedroom is ready. [name_f]Isla[/name_f] stayed longer because we were in the process of getting her bedroom completed, we were doing an addition to our home.

My oldest moved into her own room at six months. My youngest at four months.

About eight months and it was not a moment too soon. We would have done it much earlier if we’d had another bedroom. When she was born we were living in a one-bedroom flat and we had to move house before it was an option. It was such a relief for us! In fact towards the end in our old flat we used to sleep on the sofa with Freyja in our bedroom so we didn’t have to share a room. We were always just waking each other up and I felt like I could never properly relax - she wasn’t getting anything out of it either, as the waking up was definitely mutual. Everyone slept a lot better once we weren’t together, plus it was great to be able to have sex in our own bed again.

Having said all that, I don’t think it is strange at all. If it is working for your family, I think that’s absolutely fine and none of anybody else’s business. One of Freyja’s cousins is still sleeping in her parents’ room and she’s nearly 4 (and her little brother sleeps in there as well). I know that for them it is also an issue of needing to move to a place with more bedrooms, but I don’t think anyone has any trouble sleeping in their family - or at least not before the newborn came along!

My 4 year old son is still sleeping with us (my husband) in the same room. I want to transfer him to his own room but he is scared enough to sleep there. I also don’t want to force him because for me, he is still my baby that is why its ok for me and my husband to let him sleep with us during the night. Well, during nap time, he sleeps in his bedroom and then play in his toys there as he wakes up. That is our routine though. As for me, I do still miss my young boy sleeping beside me if the time comes that he decides to sleep in his own. I think I’m gonna cry when that time comes.

My daughters are 4 now and I moved them into a shared room with a shared bed a month ago. The fact that they share made the transition a lot easier. I wouldn’t have minded sharing my bed with them for longer as sleep-wise we’re very much in a good routine, but being pregnant and expecting a new baby in just a little while I felt I needed a bit more space to sleep comfortably in and also privacy, order and quiet for when the baby comes. I’m a single mom so maybe my reasons are a bit different than others’.

As for it being strange for mom and babies to share a room it’s not and it’s very good for bonding and for you and your child to be more secure. I understand why couples or families with more children/expecting more children would feel the need to make the separation sooner, but it’s not something that will make your child spoiled, too dependent physically and emotionally in the future. I lost my mom when I was so young I can’t remember how she looked, but I do remember how safe and loved I felt sleeping next to her in bed. I think that if you and Ama are comfortable and you’re having any problems than continue to co-sleep, seriously. Pay no mind to what others say because each family is different.

My daughter originally moved into her own room at 15 months, but when my wife died I moved her back in for another year. She’s been back in her own room since she was 3.5.

DPs says her eldest co-slept until she was 4 because they only had one bedroom. Her youngest was moved into her own room at 9 months.

I know to prevent SIDs they recommend having baby sleep in your room for up to a year. However, our bassinet had a 3 month or 10lb limit, whichever came first, and there is no way we can fit a pack n play in our room, so we moved her to the crib in her room at 3 months. Luckily her room is right next to ours and our walls aren’t soundproof, so we can easily hear her make noises and cry.

We moved her at 7 months, but only because she wasn’t sleeping well in our room anymore. I had intended to keep her in our room for at least the first year, but she had other plans haha

When my first daughter is was already 5 years old we transfer her to her own room but there is a door extension to our room in case that she need us or we need to checked her if everything is okay.

I move them between 2 1/2 and 4 years but I let them sleep with me whenever they like, they can fall asleep in my room and stay or I can move them, they can fall asleep and stay in there or come in my room… whatever works, they’re little and they need that security, I see no reason to push sleeping in their rooms, if we want to do something that requires privacy we can just go in a child less room. No problem. The youngest I’ve ever gotta a child to not sleep on me was two and a few months because I know they had weaned just a few months before, so it was probably 2 1/2 since mine wean at or not too long after two it seems. I think you should do what feels right and understand that older people are from a time when people were encouraged to keep their children at arms length and really not bond with them, those were the dont breast feed, don’t share a room, just let them cry, have a maid and nanny if you can years. I can’t say that todays grand parents see the way they were raised as better than todays more natural approach or the way they raised us. We’ve come a long way away from those dark times and I think we are all better for considering our Childs feelings.

My boys moved to their own rooms as soon as they slept through the night. When that was varied per child, but usually between 3 and 6 months. They almost always sleep in their own beds, at least not in our bed. It however regularly occurs that one of them is missing in the morning and we find him sharing a bed with one of his brothers. :wink: That’s just how stuff works here, none of them even thinks about sleeping with us. If they asked to, they definitely could though - but they’re just fine sleeping in their own rooms. I guess co-sleeping works fine when you have 1-2 kids, but with 5 it’ll get a little overcrowded in one bed. :smiley: