What would each side of the personality be? Real personality is sweet, generally good girl, and the split side is a bad girl, like the id, that pressures the good girl into doing thing she normally wouldn’t. I was thinking [name]Reagan[/name]/[name]Regan[/name] for good girl side and [name]Sloane[/name] for bad girl. What do you think? Any suggestions?
[name]How[/name] about a name which can have two different versions - like [name]Sarah[/name], with [name]Sally[/name] being the sweet side and [name]Sadie[/name] being the nastier side. ([name]Just[/name] to clarify, I don’t think that [name]Sadie[/name] sounds nasty, simply much spunkier than [name]Sally[/name].) Or perhaps [name]Josephine[/name], with [name]Posy[/name] and [name]Josie[/name]?
Hmmmmmmmm interesting…
Good girl Bad Girl version
[name]Roxanna[/name] [name]Roxy[/name]
[name]Lana[/name] [name]Milana[/name]
[name]Larissa[/name] [name]Lara[/name]
[name]Maureen[/name] [name]Rena[/name]
[name]Victoria[/name] [name]Vicky[/name]
[name]Mary[/name] [name]Marylin[/name]
In terms of a single name that encompasses what you described, perhaps [name]Jacinda[/name], [name]Lucinda[/name], [name]Magenta[/name] (I love this name) or [name]Aminta[/name]?
I hope that helps. Personally, and I truly hope I don’t upset anyone by admitting to this, but I am not in any way fond of the name [name]Sloane[/name] for a person, it makes me think of the words ‘sleaze’ and ‘lonely’.
I hope this helped in some way and best of luck!
[name]Samantha[/name] and [name]Serena[/name] on Bewitched
[name]Jessica[/name] “[name]Jess[/name]”-- [name]Tess[/name] & [name]Bess[/name], from One Life to Live
[name]Viki[/name] ([name]Victoria[/name])-- [name]Niki[/name], [name]Jeanne[/name] [name]Randolph[/name]…(above [name]Jess[/name]'s mom)
You could try [name]Alexandra[/name],[name]Alex[/name] for the bad and Zany/Zanie for the good. Although I am not saying [name]Alexandra[/name] or [name]Alex[/name] is a bad name.
Lol, she is crazy! I [name]Cameron[/name] is good name for a girl with a split personality. I don’t know if that would be the good or bad side, though