Which combination is your favorite?

See the results of this poll: Which combination is your favorite?

Respondents: 18 (This poll is closed)

  • Isla Apolline Tsai: 2 (11%)
  • Isla Florentine Tsai: 1 (6%)
  • Isla Arden Tsai: 1 (6%)
  • Clara Apolline Tsai: 4 (22%)
  • Clara Florentine Tsai: 5 (28%)
  • Clara Arden Tsai: 4 (22%)
  • Arden Clara Tsai: 0 (0%)
  • Arden Isla Tsai: 1 (6%)
  • Arden Florentine Tsai: 0 (0%)

[name]Hi[/name]! I voted for [name]Clara[/name] [name]Florentine[/name] Tsai, with [name]Clara[/name] [name]Apolline[/name] Tsai in a close second place.

I love [name]Isla[/name], too, but because both [name]Isla[/name] and Tsai have matching long I sounds (if I’m pronouncing Tsai correctly), I think that [name]Clara[/name] works better with your last name. (I think that [name]Apolline[/name] is pretty, too, but because [name]Clara[/name] ends with an A and [name]Apolline[/name] begins with one, I have to pause between them when I say the combo out loud.)

I love your username, by the way, and am in the mood for gelato now! :slight_smile:

Good luck!

Thanks [name]Jill[/name]!

I voted for [name]Clara[/name] [name]Arden[/name].

I second everything that [name]Jill[/name] said :slight_smile:

I love, love, [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Clara[/name] [name]Florentine[/name], and [name]Apolline[/name] is pretty.

[name]Arden[/name] seems a little at odds with your other options, too.

Good luck!