Which E Name?

See the results of this poll: Which E Name?

Respondents: 57 (This poll is closed)

  • Eloise : 27 (47%)
  • Eleni : 13 (23%)
  • Esme: 17 (30%)
  1. [name]Eloise[/name]
  2. [name]Eleni[/name]
  3. [name]Esme[/name]

None are really my style but there you go!

[name]Eleni[/name]! It’s on my own short list, I adore it. :slight_smile: [name]Eloise[/name] is a bit overrated, imo, but still lovely. I guess I don’t see the charm that everyone else does, haha. I really like [name]Esme[/name], too, it just doesn’t quite compare to [name]Eleni[/name] to me. I’ve always said [name]Eleni[/name] as eh-[name]LEN[/name]-ee, though, not eh-[name]LAY[/name]-nee. I don’t know if it’s correct or not, but I took ancient Greek in college, for a year, and if I’m remembering correctly, the Greek characters (epsilon lambda epsilon nu eta) that form [name]Eleni[/name]… it makes sense to have the “len” sound in the middle to me. But of course I’m not Greek, haha, that could be completely wrong.

[name]Eloise[/name], though I can appreciate the appeal of the other two.

I actually didn’t like [name]Eleni[/name] much when I, too, thought it was pronounced Ee-lynn-ee, but I read [name]Eleni[/name]'s name page on here and it said it was pronounced ee-lay-nee. I like that so much more! [name]Lainey[/name]/[name]Laney[/name] always sounded good to my ear, but seemed incomplete. [name]Eleni[/name] seemed perfect :slight_smile:

Ooo, I like them all. I can see you dilemma. I really how unusual [name]Eleni[/name] is so I think that would be my first choice. Followed by [name]Esme[/name], then [name]Eloise[/name].

I choose [name]Eleni[/name] but as a fluent speaker of Greek, I have to say you’re pronouncing it wrong. In Greek, the pronunciation is eh-[name]LEN[/name]-ee. I just thought you’d like to know that eh-[name]LEN[/name]-ee is the correct pronunciation.

My second choice is [name]Eloise[/name], but all are pretty :slight_smile:

Again, I read this pronunciation on this site.

My pick is [name]Eleni[/name]. I think it is pronounced like [name]Elle[/name]-len-knee. I had always thought it was French and not Greek.

Again, just because you read it on this site, doesn’t make it true. I am a fluent Greek speaker, [name]Eleni[/name] is a Greek name that is derived from [name]Helen[/name]/[name]Helena[/name] (hel-en and hel-en-ah) and is pronounced eh-[name]LEN[/name]-ee in Greek. I hope you don’t get offended but Nameberry doesn’t have this particular pronunciation correct, coming from someone who is Greek and speaks Greek.

Again, I hope you don’t get offended. It’s a very pretty name and I thought you would like to know what that correct Greek pronunciation is.


They are all pretty, but [name]Eloise[/name] is so elegant.

They’re all gorgeous, but I slightly prefer [name]Esme[/name]. [name]Eleni[/name] is second pick for me.

Thank you guys so much! Anyone else out there?

[name]Elani[/name]!!! I think all pronunciations of it are gorgeous - and it’s up to you how you say it!
I was reading it as [name]Melanie[/name] - minus the M.
it’s gorgeous— regardless!!

[name]Esme[/name] is definitely my favourite. It’s soft and feminine, but not too common or old-fashioned. [name]Eleni[/name] is my second pick- it’s nice, although I prefer the [name]El[/name]-en-ee pronounciation. [name]Eloise[/name] reminds me too much of the books.

I am on the [name]Esme[/name] bandwagon though we are small in number. I do really love [name]Eloise[/name] but I simply love [name]Esme[/name] more. [name]Eleni[/name] for me doesn’t hold a candle to [name]Helena[/name] so it’s a distant third.