See the results of this poll: What do you think?
Respondents: 64 (This poll is closed)
- Katniss : 55 (86%)
- Renesmee: 9 (14%)
Respondents: 64 (This poll is closed)
Definitely [name]Katniss[/name]. At least she’s an admirable fictional character, and the name is an actual word used in nature. [name]Renesmee[/name] is made up and it’s a freaky vampire child, I would be embarrassed to be named after such a thing. Plus [name]Katniss[/name] could always go by [name]Kat[/name] or [name]Kate[/name].
[name]Katniss[/name] is from the better series of books And the nn [name]Kat[/name] is at least possible.
They both kinda suck though.
My vote went to [name]Katniss[/name]- better written series, actual word vs lower brow series & crazy smush name.
But imo both are awful! Sorry! [name]Katniss[/name] sounds awful & harsh & way to close to [name]Cat[/name] Piss! Renesme has a prettier flowing sound but it’s over the top even without all of the Twilight baggage. Really if I met either I would roll my eyes.
Everdean or [name]Cullen[/name] might make a good debate?
I agree - they are both pretty tacky sounding!
[name]Renesmee[/name] because [name]Katniss[/name] looks and sounds like [name]Cat[/name] Pi$$. [name]Just[/name] sayin - don’t care how awesome the character is, it’s highly unattractive.
[name]Renesmee[/name] is not wonderful and it’s definitely tacky, but at least it doesn’t sound like [name]Cat[/name] Pi$$…
In my opinion, neither is usable.
LOL, I don’t think so, either.
They’re awful, both of them, but at least we as a culture smoosh names all the time. [name]Katniss[/name] sounds, like everyone has said, “cat piss”, and I remember that was the first thing I thought when her name was introduced in the book.
Huh! I never realized [name]Katniss[/name] sounds like cat piss. That is comical. It still gets my vote. [name]Renesmee[/name] is terrible.
Wow, I wouldn’t use either, but I’d say maybe [name]Renesmee[/name]. While it is a made up name, at least it doesn’t sound like Katpiss. If I had name [name]Renesmee[/name], I’d probably go by [name]Ren[/name].
Yikes… Neither of course, but katniss if I had absolutely no other choice. Mainly for the better quality inspiration. I’d insist on simply ‘kat’
Not even considering the series’ I would say [name]Katniss[/name]. It’s not great by any stretch, but it’s okay and has okay nn’s.
[name]Renesmee[/name] is just rather stupid in my opinion. Like naming your kid Lilmarabeth because you couldn’t make a decision.
I don’t think either is really usable, but [name]Katniss[/name] is better. [name]Even[/name] if [name]Renesmee[/name] wasn’t from a frequently mocked series, it still looks like one of those made up names.
[name]Katniss[/name] was a carefully chosen name. The District 12 names were drawn from the remnants of Appalachia and all had a nature, woodsy connection (as opposed to the industrial, agricultural, warlike, etc names from the other Districts). [name]Katniss[/name] is a real plant called arrowroot, which grows in wild streams in the central Appalachians. The arrow/archery connection, the geography, and the imagery made it a perfect choice for the character.
Whereas [name]Renesmee[/name] was a smash meant to sound otherworldly, but which looks like something a 14-yo would doodle in her notebook while bored in class.
They are both pretty terrible [name]IMO[/name].