**So we are between two names for our baby girl due in the spring. [name]Eloise[/name] and [name]Tessa[/name] :).**
[name]Tessa[/name] is my front runner right now for a few reasons but one is that I really don’t want another name that is getting super popular…which I think eloise “might” be. Also I’m not terribly keen on the nn [name]Ellie[/name] but can deal. I like [name]Elle[/name]. [name]Tessa[/name] rose a little but last year but still holding fairly steady. What do you think about it’s future popularity? Still, I think Eloise is a gorgeous vintage name. So it’s a tough choice. I do think Eloise might date over the years while Tessa might not for some reason.
[name]Tessa[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name] ( pronounced Mad e [name]Lynn[/name] or Mad e [name]Line[/name]?)
[name]Tessa[/name] [name]Adelaide[/name],
[name]Tessa[/name] [name]Eloise[/name]. ( I might love this one!)
[name]Tessa[/name] [name]Alexandra[/name]?
[name] Tessa Juliet [/name] wow I really like this!!
(another option is going with [name]Tess[/name] and having her nn be [name]Tessa[/name]…
so [name]Tess[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] would be the combo). Or maybe [name]Tess Adelaide?[/name] Hmmm
[name]Eloise[/name] [name]Amelia[/name], [name]Eloise[/name] [name]Autumn[/name], or [name]Eloise[/name] [name]Tessa[/name]?
Thanks!! I agree, I feel like [name]Tessa[/name] is less trendy than [name]Eloise[/name] and hopefully won’t shoot up in popularity. Another name that is definitely not popular is [name]Eleanora[/name]. [name]Love[/name] it! [name]Eleanora[/name] [name]Tess[/name] or [name]Eleanora[/name] hope? Also considering [name]Theodora[/name] but sounds like I’m trying too hard? Other options are [name]Isadora[/name], [name]Felicity[/name], and [name]Annelise[/name]. Hmmm
I really like [name]Eloise[/name], but can see your point about the [name]Ellie[/name] nn. I think [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Eloise[/name] sound great together!
Thanks so much! I really like the idea of [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Eloise[/name]. Combines two names that I love. Still ge the trendy name without the worry of popularity spikes since it’s just in the middle name spot
I don’t find either of them trendy, to be honest and I don’t think you need to worry about either of them jumping into the top 10 - they don’t have that broad appeal that the top names have.
If you are still worried, I think [name]Tessa[/name] has a lesser chance of becoming popular than [name]Eloise[/name]. [name]Eloise[/name] is vowel heavy, which seems to bewhat people are liking at the moment. I think [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Eloise[/name] would be your best bet.
Yeah I agree, I don’t think Eloise has the broad appeal that will sky rocket it up to the top ten which is awesome. And really makes me want to use it again. But I agree, Tessa Eloise is
Probably my best bet. And I absolutely love that name
As well! :). Hmmm
[name]Tessa[/name] has always been a favorite of mine. [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name] sounds really nice, in my opinion, pronounced mad-uh-line.
Here is the best advice I can give you: Pick the name you like most.
You cannot control popularity. You cannot predict popularity. For me, one of the #1 rules of naming is you should NEVER pick a name based on how popular you think it might become in the future. [name]Do[/name] not obsess over being “original”- your child will be no matter what she’s called, and nobody gets an award for choosing the most obscure name! You don’t know how popular a name will become, there’s almost no way of knowing how popular a name is in your immediate area, and you don’t know the names of the kids who your child will grow up with, as most of them haven’t been born yet. You could go with [name]Tessa[/name] thinking you’re picking the less popular name, only to find that incidentally, there are two baby Tessas down the street and not an [name]Eloise[/name] in sight. The best way to prevent something like that is to pick a name you love regardless of its popularity. [name]Tessa[/name] could skyrocket and [name]Eloise[/name] could suddenly plummet: you don’t and can’t know, so pick a name you like regardless. If you prefer [name]Tessa[/name] to [name]Eloise[/name] as a name, go with that; if not, I’d consider [name]Eloise[/name] more.
But anyway, I think that both [name]Tessa[/name] and [name]Eloise[/name] are trendy in their own right: they convey a certain style and have both picked up a bit recently, [name]Eloise[/name] much more than [name]Tessa[/name]. However, [name]Eloise[/name] is still less popular, and there could be sound-alikes for both, like [name]Jess[/name], [name]Jessa[/name], [name]Tess[/name], [name]Theresa[/name], [name]Vanessa[/name], [name]Ella[/name], [name]Ellery[/name], [name]Ellen[/name], etc.
To answer your other questions:
I like [name]Eleanora[/name], [name]Felicity[/name], [name]Hope[/name], and [name]Isadora[/name].
[name]Tessa[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name] is my favorite combo.
I’d say [name]Madeleine[/name] with the -lyn ending and [name]Madeline[/name] with the -line ending.
I don’t like [name]Tess[/name] with the nickname [name]Tessa[/name], it’s kind of odd to me to have a nickname be an expansion rather than a shortening of the original name.
I actually quite like [name]Tess[/name]/a with your children’s names! [name]Tess[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] is gorgeous.
I love [name]Eloise[/name] though, [name]Eloise[/name] [name]Amelia[/name] is perfect.
I love [name]Isadora[/name] and [name]Felicity[/name] too and I do think they nicely as well. [name]Isadora[/name] [name]Amelie[/name]? [name]Felicity[/name] [name]Autumn[/name]?
I prefer [name]Tessa[/name] to [name]Eloise[/name], and I think [name]Tessa[/name] is also least likely to become popular. [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Eloise[/name] is a gorgeous combination though, as is [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name].
I love [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Eloise[/name]! And I think that, regardless of safety, [name]Eloise[/name] is spunkier. That could mean that in 10-20 years, the name might sound “so turn of the century” kind of like [name]Tiffany[/name] and [name]Stephanie[/name] (my name) are SO 80s now. I think [name]Tessa[/name], while also trendy, has a sound that feels much more classic. It might age a little more elegantly. That said, [name]Eloise[/name] is on my long list as well because it’s hard to look past such an awesome name.
And as someone struggling with wanting to name her daughter [name]Sofia[/name], but being afraid of the insane popularity, I found your post, @[name]Daisy[/name], very comforting.
I’d probably choose [name]Eloise[/name]. I think it goes well with your older daughter’s, [name]Violet[/name]'s, name.
I don’t know where you live but in the US [name]Eloise[/name] was ranked at #449 in 2011. (with 672 girls having been given that name.) Yes it jumped 80ish spots upward but it’s not like it’s breaking the charts. ([name]Elise[/name] was at #129 or something around there). In comparison [name]Tessa[/name] is ranked was ranked at #229 that same year (1378 girls). [name]Violet[/name] was ranked #101 in 2011 - though it had shot up around 500 spots in 10 years.
I think it’s going to be hard to predict how fast and far [name]Eloise[/name] and [name]Tessa[/name] are going to rise or fall. But, pure numbers suggest that [name]Eloise[/name] would be a less common choice (at least in the US of A) than [name]Tessa[/name]. However, it almost sounds like you prefer [name]Tessa[/name] and that should be reason enough to choose it. I like [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Eloise[/name].
Personally, I don’t think that [name]Tessa[/name] fits well with your other kids - the first letter T runs together with the last letter T with their names. Also, I don’t see either of them becoming hugely popular. From your list, I like [name]Felicity[/name] and [name]Eloise[/name] best. ([name]Violet[/name] and [name]Felicity[/name] as sisters makes me want to swoon a little). However, if you’re set on [name]Tessa[/name] I like [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Madeline[/name] and [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Juliet[/name].
Thanks so much! Yeah I can’t decide which name I like better…despite popularty, haha. [name]Eloise[/name] does feel more spunky which I like. But [name]Tessa[/name] is very pretty, chic, and simple, which I also like!
Some other names on my list are…
[name]Alessandra[/name] nn Aless ([name]Alice[/name])
[name]Isadora[/name] nn [name]Izzy[/name] and [name]Dori[/name]
[name]Felicity[/name] nn [name]Fee[/name] and Liss
[name]Daphne[/name] nn Daph
Thanks so much berries!! I just adore [name]Tessa[/name] an the nn [name]Tess[/name]. I love names so I’m tempted to go with something frilly and longer but honestly, I think sweet and simple is more me. [name]Tessa[/name] still has a ton of spunk though so I think it’s perfect. [name]Eloise[/name] is so very beautiful but the wheeze sound at the end bugs me Sometimes. I love the nn [name]Elle[/name] but slightly cringe when I hear [name]Ellie[/name] just because I hear it…everywhere :/. And for some reason I feel that even IF [name]Tessa[/name] gets super popular it will never sound terribly dated. I look at it as more of a simple classic like [name]Lucy[/name], [name]Clara[/name], [name]Emma[/name], ect. [name]Eloise[/name] might date a little but who knows. [name]Just[/name] my thoughts for the day
Middle names!!
[name]Tessa[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] - this one sounds gorgeous to me. Looove
[name]Tessa[/name] [name]Eloise[/name] - I get both names that I love and flows well. Like this very very much.
[name]Tessa[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name] - not sure. I’m getting a trendy vibe from this combo but has been on my lost for a while and I do still fondnit to be beautiful.
I’m Team [name]Eloise[/name] all the way! We’re actually considering it for our baby It’s such a gorgeous classic name that works for all ages. I don’t think it will date because [name]El[/name]- names are in right now and so they don’t sound old on young girls. I love the nickname potential for [name]Eloise[/name] (my personal favorites are [name]Elsie[/name] and [name]Lou[/name]) and I think [name]Eloise[/name] can fit any kind of girl. [name]Tessa[/name] just doesn’t sound as elegant to me. It’s a perfectly fine name, but I think [name]Eloise[/name] is the clear winner. As for the middle names, I think [name]Eloise[/name] [name]Autumn[/name] flows the best. [name]Hope[/name] this helped & good luck!
I love [name]Eloise[/name]! But if you choose [name]Tessa[/name] I would either go with [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Juliet[/name] or [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Madeleine[/name] because when I say [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Eloise[/name] it runs togeather, sounding like [name]Tess[/name] [name]Eloise[/name] or [name]Tessa[/name] [name]Louise[/name]