[name]Hi[/name] Berries! Sort of an odd question, but I currently work in the corporate world and am considering switching careers. I’m 25 and want to be a mom one day so looking for flexibility in whatever I do. I absolutely love the idea of being a mom, talking to moms, understanding the stages and miracle of pregnancy etc. so am hoping my new profession could involve working with new moms. I already have an undergraduate degree so I’d ideally just like to go for an accreditation or certification.
These are the jobs I’ve already thought of but know there have to be more. What kind of people have you encountered while expecting or being a new mom that a realistic and in line with what I’m looking for?
- prenatal ultrasound tech
- child and families social worker
- birth class instructor
- lactation consultant
- mommy and me instructor
- Lamaze instructor
- midwife (probably takes a lot of school)
- baby planner
Any thoughts? Also stories or information on these jobs (negative and positive) would be greatly appreciated!
I felt the same way as you. The route I decided to go with was becoming a [name]DONA[/name] certified doula. I am currently in the process of getting certified an I am having a great time doing it. It is a lot of work, but it isn’t tedious and it never feels like busy work. Mostly reading, going to workshops, various birthing technique classes, and attending live births. It’s actually a lot of fun and I am really enjoying the process. If you want to check it out just visit [name]DONA[/name].org or Google Childbirthinternational. [name]Both[/name] websites are very informative. I am studying to become both a labor and post partum doula so that I can work with expectant mothers and newborns get through some of the most wonderful, frightening, and exhausting time of their lives. I can’t wait to start practicing!
[name]Do[/name] you mind me asking how old you are, what you were doing before this and why you chose the become [name]DONA[/name] certified over something else? It sounds like you’re really happy and I am very excited for you. It also sounds like a lot of work. [name]How[/name] long and how much money is it taking you to get certified?
I’m 23 and I do brand management for a software engineering company. So far I have spent around $600 for all the books and one workshop, and certification packets. I probably wot be spending much more than that. If you have the personality for it you can usually talk instructors into letting you sit in on birthing classes for free which helps quite a bit. I’m going through [name]DONA[/name] which is more well known, but also a little more expensive. I know that child birth international offers a certification and training program as a package deal that is much less expensive and a little easier to navigate. I highly recommend both websites. I’ve only been doing this for about a month and if I really buckled down and worked on it, I could get certified in 3 months or less. Unfortunately, I have to work so It will probably take me about 7 months to get through all the reading (5 books) and extra non required programs I want to take.
I should also add that it was a complete toss up for me between [name]DONA[/name] and CBI. I don’t want to say it was a completely random choice that I made Togo with [name]DONA[/name] because its not like I flipped a coin or anything. I really had a hard time deciding, but in the end I went with [name]DONA[/name] solely because it was more well known, and because it was the first site I found through google. They were also the first to return my call when I called their customer service number, so that helped their case. And lastly, although CBI might offer the same thing, I saw that [name]DONA[/name] recommends their certified doulas through the website for their area, which makes it muh easier for potential clients to find you than through a private website.