Which M name?

Which do you like more?

[name]Marie[/name] or [name]Marianne[/name]?

I prefer the simplicity of [name]Marie[/name].

I prefer [name]Marianne[/name].

[name]Marian[/name] is even better. :slight_smile:

It’s a close call, but I would go with the more streamlined, classic [name]Marie[/name].

I agree with castles - [name]Marian[/name] is best! [name]Marie[/name] is a bit boring and [name]Marianne[/name] is a bit old-fashioned.

I like [name]Marie[/name] better.

Out of the two, [name]Marie[/name]. But neither one does much for me personally sorry.

I love [name]Mariana[/name] though!

I might say [name]Marie[/name], but they’re both nice :slight_smile:

I agree with stephanie [name]Mariana[/name]. But of the too I’d pick [name]Marianne[/name].

[name]Marie[/name]. It’s classic and pretty.

Neither does anything for me. I would pick [name]Miriam[/name], [name]Marion[/name], [name]Marian[/name] or [name]Maura[/name] before those.

[name]Marie[/name] of your 2. (Bad association with [name]Marianne[/name].) I like the suggestion of [name]Mariana[/name], though. And I really like [name]Marina[/name], too.

I like both, but I prefer [name]Marie[/name] as it was my great-grandmothers name.

Probably [name]Marie[/name]. I never really thought I liked that name but I had a dream recently that someone was naming a baby girl and choosing between 3 names, 1 of which was [name]Marie[/name] and I was really pushing for [name]Marie[/name]! I was saying how it sounded cute and French but also classic, and that it was adorable on a little girl but would age well too. I didn’t know I felt that way! Ha. But thinking about it I think that’s a good description.

I don’t like [name]Marianne[/name] but it’s due to a bad association for me which obviously wouldn’t affect you. I love [name]Marielle[/name] though :slight_smile:

[name]Marianne[/name] for me. A good [name]Jane[/name] [name]Austen[/name] reference always draws me to a name, and it helps that I tend to love a lot of “anne/anna” names. [name]Marie[/name] is pretty but I prefer the French pronunciation, which where I am at least would be very tricky to achieve without using a hyphenation à la [name]Marie[/name]-[name]Claire[/name].

I prefer [name]Marianne[/name]

I prefer [name]Marie[/name]. I do like [name]Marianne[/name], but I prefer other spellings like [name]MaryAnn[/name], [name]Mary[/name]-[name]Anne[/name] etc.

[name]Marie[/name] feels like a “filler” middle name to me, maybe because that’s just how I’ve seen it used that way so often. [name]Marianne[/name] feels prettier, mainly thanks to the [name]Jane[/name] [name]Austen[/name] character.

If you’re looking at similar sounding names I’m putting a vote in for [name]Merida[/name] :slight_smile:

[name]Marie[/name], but I still love [name]Mary[/name] too! :slight_smile:

I like [name]Mary[/name] better than both, I’m afraid.