just that really, I love them both but can’t decide which I prefer.
while I think I love [name_f]Persephone[/name_f] NN Sephy (or Persie) a little more, I’m not sure if the famous abduction myth sits oddly with me or not.
[name_f]Circe[/name_f] (sir-see) is still a huge love of mine, I think [name_f]Cece[/name_f] is a sweet nickname and I love her myth and associations.
I just can’t make up my mind and thought I’d ask what you guys preferred!
I prefer [name_f]Persephone[/name_f] but it sounds like you have a more positive association with [name_f]Circe[/name_f] (which is nice too) so I’d say go with that
I agree with pp that you seem to have a more positive association with [name_f]Circe[/name_f]; with them being rare names, it’s likely that’s other peoples’ only association too. Sephie and Persie are beautiful nicknames though, and if you think the muthology doesn’t make you love [name_f]Persephone[/name_f] any less, then [name_f]Persephone[/name_f] gets my vote.
I’ve always loved [name_f]Persephone[/name_f], but like @ferix08 I’ve also recently read the book by [name_f]Madeline[/name_f] [name_m]Miller[/name_m] which has really made [name_f]Circe[/name_f] grow on me. Both are beautiful, and honestly it’s hard to find a name from Greek mythology that doesn’t have any bad associations.
I like them both, while nn’s with [name_f]Persephonie[/name_f] are [name_u]Persia[/name_u], Sephy, [name_f]Sophie[/name_f], [name_f]Pippi[/name_f], it is still along name to write out.
[name_f]Circe[/name_f] is not that common and short and sweet. The nn’s are cute as well: Cici, cis, say, or Saysa. I would write out each one with the middle and last and see which you would like better. Write it out at least 10 times to get the feel for it, as you will sign it at least 1,000 times by the time she graduated school! That is how I decided with my kids names.
I like [name_f]Circe[/name_f] best. I just don’t like any of the sounds in [name_f]Persephone[/name_f], something about the P/S/F sounds together is really unpleasant to me in names.