Which name do you like better?

See the results of this poll: Which name do you like better?

Respondents: 62 (This poll is closed)

  • Malcolm : 28 (45%)
  • Alistair: 34 (55%)

I voted for [name]Alistair[/name] - [name]Malcom[/name] feels a bit stuffy for me while [name]Alistair[/name] has more rock and roll to it.

Ooh, tricky. [name]Both[/name] have caught my attention in the past: [name]Malcolm[/name] for the meaning, [name]Alistair[/name] for the sound. [name]Both[/name] have an appealing Scottish flair. I would say [name]Alistair[/name] if you’re more conservative (it’s common enough, and the nn [name]Ali[/name] even more so) but [name]Malcolm[/name] if you want to be a little bit different.

[name]Malcolm[/name] - especially if you’re a Firefly fan. Great nickname potential with either [name]Mal[/name] or [name]Colm[/name].

[name]Alistair[/name] with [name]Alec[/name] as a possible nickname.

[name]Malcolm[/name] - I’m watching Firefly for the first time, and [name]Nathan[/name] Fillion is fantastic!

Wow! It’s a tie! [name]Glad[/name] to know people seem to like both names!

I voted [name]Alistair[/name]. :slight_smile: [name]Both[/name] are lovely, but I can just imagine the cutest little boy named [name]Alistair[/name]!

[name]Both[/name] are really good! I voted for Alisair - I like British names, and I feel like [name]Alistair[/name] is very hip. Another close favorite of mine is [name]Abner[/name]!

I really, really like [name]Alistair[/name]! :slight_smile:

I much prefer [name]Alistair[/name], I have an uncle called [name]Malcolm[/name], so I see it as an “older” name.

I really like both, but [name]Alistair[/name] is one of my absolute favorites. To me, it’s just sooo elegant and distinguished!