Which name do you think sounds best?

Okay, I’m back with what I hope to be my last name post y’all. After the great debate on the name Liberty, we’ve shortened it and added another name to the mix (though the popularity of it scares me a little but it is pretty). Our last name starts with an H and is just one syllable if that helps. Brooke is my middle name so it would be pretty special for her to get to have my middle name as hers.

  • Willow Brooke
  • Libby Brooke

0 voters

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Both are nice, but [name_u]Willow[/name_u] [name_u]Brooke[/name_u] is perhaps a little wordy? It sounds very much like the name of a brook ( like “I had a picnic at [name_u]Willow[/name_u] Brook!”) That’s not necessarily a bad thing, just something to be aware of!

It also sounds like you love [name_f]Libby[/name_f], so I’ll vote for that!

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Yes! I’ve actually had someone mention it can be wordy or they feel like it’s an apartment complex. Which I hate, but also I think how many times does someone call me by my first and middle name… it’s pretty rare so I feel like no one would really call her by it.

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I LOVE the name [name_f]Libby[/name_f] !!!

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I like [name_f]Libby[/name_f] as a nickname but not a full name. [name_u]Willow[/name_u] is beautiful and unique!

I love [name_f]Libby[/name_f]. I think it could stand on its own but would nice as a nickname too. Maybe [name_f]Lilibet[/name_f] nickname [name_f]Libby[/name_f]? [name_u]Or[/name_u] [name_f]Elisabeth[/name_f]?

[name_f]Libby[/name_f] [name_u]Brooke[/name_u] is so cute!! I love the sparky [name_f]Libby[/name_f]

i think libby brooke is so cute!

I think [name_f]Libby[/name_f] works better!

libby works so well!!