Which name(s) is/are your LEAST favorite?

See the results of this poll: VOTE FOR YOUR LEAST FAVORITE NAME(S)!!

Respondents: 49 (This poll is closed)

  • Addison : 24 (24%)
  • Amelia : 3 (3%)
  • August : 12 (12%)
  • Harlow : 16 (16%)
  • Poppy : 9 (9%)
  • Xaenia: 35 (35%)

[name_u]Addison[/name_u], Xaenia and [name_f]Harlow[/name_f]. I like the others. [name_u]Addison[/name_u] is overused and just kind of seems trashy, sorry. Xaenia - I don’t know how to pronounce it and can’t spell it unless I am looking at it so it just seems like a hassle. [name_f]Harlow[/name_f] just seems to be too on trend to me. [name_f]Poppy[/name_f], [name_u]August[/name_u] and [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] are all lovely :slight_smile:

Least favorites- [name_u]Addison[/name_u] and [name_u]August[/name_u]

[name_u]Addison[/name_u] isn’t my style, and I’m just not a fan of [name_u]August[/name_u] on a girl although I believe that meeting a little girl with the name could change my mind. [name_f]Poppy[/name_f] and [name_f]Amelia[/name_f] are beautiful names. [name_f]Harlow[/name_f] is not my style, but is a nice name. Xaenia is confusing, but I think the name could be really pretty in the right combo. (My favorites from your list are [name_f]Poppy[/name_f] and [name_f]Amelia[/name_f], by the way)

[name_u]Addison[/name_u] I find trendy and don’t know how to pronounce the last one. I think there are other good choices in the rest tho.

[name_u]August[/name_u] and Xaenia. [name_u]August[/name_u] is fantastic on a boy though! I don’t mind [name_u]Addison[/name_u], I think [name_f]Addie[/name_f] is pretty cute and I have submit to the fact that it has gone to the girls.

I accidentally clicked wrong. I voted [name_f]Harlow[/name_f] when I actually meant [name_u]August[/name_u].

My least favourites are [name_u]August[/name_u] and Xaenia. [name_u]August[/name_u], because it’s all boy to me. Xaenia, because while I usually like more unusual spelling, I think this name is uncommon enough that Xaenia spelling complicates it.

thank you so much for who has voted so far!
keep voting berries! :slight_smile:

Thanks luneth! :slight_smile: