Which name should we choose?




Any comments/favourites/impressions of these would be very handy!

I dont mind [name]Eamon[/name], I have never heard of Attis but i dont mind the sound of it i prefer [name]Atticus[/name]…
BUt i just cant get on board with [name]Amos[/name]… when i say it all i hear is Anus… sorry!

I like [name]Eamon[/name].
[name]Amos[/name] is OK (though I can understand pp’s concern).
I don’t care for Attis.

Attis reminds me of the word attic. [name]Amos[/name] reminds me of Famous [name]Amos[/name] Cookies. Would prefer as middle name. Prefer [name]Easton[/name] to [name]Eamon[/name].

Of those three, I prefer [name]Amos[/name]. What are the names of your other children?

Other names that have similar sounds/vibes to those three are [name]Seamus[/name] (like [name]Eamon[/name] + [name]Amos[/name]!), [name]Adam[/name] (a classic, although it may be too popular for your taste), [name]Asa[/name], and (as pp suggested) [name]Atticus[/name].

Good luck : )

I love [name]Amos[/name] and until discovering this site had never ever made the association between [name]Amos[/name] and anus!

[name]Eamon[/name] is a lovely name if you are Irish but if you are not I tend to find it cringey because there is such a high number of people around the world that love to claim Irish ancestry (much to real Irish people’s dismay!) Although not Irish myself I can’t help but dislike obviously Irish names on Brits or Americans.

I think Attis is really nice, I like it a lot. It is unusual without being weird or over the top. Attis would definitely be my first choice :slight_smile:

Shall I suggest [name]Atticus[/name]? That is my son’s name and we love it but I’m a bit bias.

Attis is lovely as well and my favorite of the three.

I’d go with [name]Amos[/name].

Thanks to all the posters.

thebeijafloor- I am half Irish, and my mother’s family hail from [name]Cork[/name] and Co [name]Kerry[/name]. [name]Holiday[/name] there every year! But, truth be told, I also just love the name. I grew up knowing [name]Seamus[/name]’ and Colms and Oisins though, so it doesn’t seem new territory to me.

I take on board the [name]Amos[/name] comment- has slightly put me off [name]Amos[/name], truth be told, which is a surprise to me as I didn’t think I would be deterred so easily. Maybe a sign it isn’t the right name? Or just a sign that I’m confused? [name]Just[/name] don’t know.

I do like [name]Atticus[/name] (congratulations mamarachof6) but for me, it’s just too tied to one novel…and I’m not a super fan of TKAM. I think I’d feel bad naming my son and then giving him a lifetime of having to tell people that no, we weren’t particular fans of the book.

We’re having real issues coming up with a middle name too. Maybe it will become more clear once we’ve decided on the first name- my Uncle [name]Richard[/name] has been a big force in our lives, but problem being that I really dislike the name (Sorry [name]Rich[/name]!)
Not sure if its a name which takes no other forms, so I’m tossing up whether to just use the name regardless…

Thanks again, guys

I want to stick up for [name]Amos[/name]. Kids are inventive and will come up with a way to make fun of any name. If you really can’t shake the association in your mind, don’t use it, but if you can get past that, it’s a nice name.

I have an uncle (by marriage) named [name]Amos[/name]. I never thought of any teasing potential with the name until the pp mentioned it. On the other hand, I have noticed that [name]Eamon[/name] sounds similar to semen. If the name is established or popular in your area then it may fare okay though.